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Research Project: Molecular Genetic Approaches to Develop Scab Resistance


Project Number: 500-53-002-02
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 17, 2004
End Date: May 16, 2005

Continue gene discovery effort for FHB resistance genes; use the latest genomics tools to study wheat-F. graminearum and barley-F. graminearum interactions and to identify the mechanisms, pathways and genes that are involved in FHB resistance. Continue to develop novel transgenic wheat and to test these and the transgenic lines currently in the lab against FHB.

Conduct RNA profiling experiments using barley and wheat Affymetrix GeneChips on resistant and susceptible barley and wheat genotypes infected with F. graminearum. Examine barley and wheat near-isogenic line pairs carrying contrasting resistant and susceptible alleles at known QTL to identify differences in gene expression in these different genotypes. Employ bioinformatics analysis of the profiling experiments to identify genes that are up and down regulated as well as clusters of genes that are coordinately regulated over the course of the infection. Develop transgenic plans carrying the following genes: Nh1, Arabidopsis NPR1, wheat lipid transfer protein and wheat glutathione-S-transferase. Test these developed plants for FHB reisistance. Test previously developed transgenic wheat lines, which exhibited statistically significant reductions in scab severity, in multiple greenhouse screens.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Gary Muehlbauer - Assistant Professor 301-504-5560

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