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Research Project: Crop Residue Management and Screening Techniques for Improved Management of Fhb


Project Number: 500-53-002-09
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 06, 2004
End Date: May 05, 2005

Characterize barley near-isogenic lines for a QTL Conditioning DON accumulation. Examine the impact of crop residues on Fusarium head blight (FHB) and possible management options aimed at the control of Fusarium-infested residues. Validate the feasibility of conducting dryland-inoculation screening on a range of wheat genotypes at two locations in Minnesota for a second year.

Characterize the effect of single QTL identified by investigating host-parasite interactions on toxin accumulation in NILs differing in the alleles at the identified QTL. Use toxin-time course experiments to investigate the effect of the identified QTL on DON accumulation and link this to ergosterol. Determine the effect of this QTL on toxin accumulation from early infection through to harvested grain. Investigate the stability of the effect of the identified QTL by using a wider range of isolates of F. graminearum than previously has been examined.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Ruth Dill-Macky - Assistant Professor 301-504-5560

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