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  Horticultural Crops Research
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Research Project: Potential New Crops - Composition and Quality

Location: Horticultural Crops Research

Project Number: 5358-21000-036-08
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 25, 2003
End Date: Jan 31, 2005

Determine the critical compositional and quality indices for new small fruit crops having commercial potential for the Pacific Northwest.

Obtain samples from collaborators. Additional samples may be obtained from commercial growers and also harvested in the wild. Evaluation materials include: Chokeberries, Blue Honeysuckle, Elderberry, Schisandra, Hardy Kiwifruit, Lingonberry, Huckleberries, Oregon Grape and Salalberries. Total acidity, pH and brix will be determined for all samples.Documents SCA with OR State U. Formerly 5358-21000-031-15S (10/04).

Project Team
Finn, Chad
Ronald Wrolstad - Professor 541-738-4037

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