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Research Project: Breeding New Lettuce Cultivars and Advanced Breeding Lines of Lettuce for Arizona

Location: Crop Improvement and Protection Research

Project Number: 5305-21000-011-01
Project Type: Trust

Start Date: Mar 28, 2000
End Date: Sep 30, 2004

To develop lettuce cultivars and breeding lines with high yield and quality, uniformity and disease, disorder, and insect resistances, including resistance to yellowing viruses, big vein, downy mildew, tipburn, sclerotinia, whitefly species, leafminers. Collect, catalog, maintain, evaluate, and distribute valuable germplasm. Conduct standard and molecular genetic studies.

Use hybridization, selection, and molecular techniques to develop desirable new populations. Test cultivars and breeding lines, make appropriate crosses, select within segregating populations, develop series of inbred lines, test under commercial field conditions. Continuation of Agmt.#58-5305-0-0030; 5305-21000-011-01T. Documents Trust Agmt. with Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council. Formerly 5305-21000-010-01T (9/03).

Project Team
McCreight, James - Jim

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001
  FY 2000
  FY 1999

Related National Programs
  Plant, Microbial & Insect Genetic Res., Genomics, & Genetic Improv. I (301)
  Plant Diseases (303)

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