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Research Project: Management of Fhb in Arkansas


Project Number: 500-53-002-13
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jun 14, 2004
End Date: Jun 13, 2005

Evaluate chemical and biological control of Fusarium head blight on wheat in Arkansas. Develop FHB-resistant wheat cultivars for the Midsouth.

Evaluate, under moderate FHB pressure, fungicides and biocontrol agents to identify treatments that have potential for managing FHB on soft red winter wheat. Treatments will include those in the Uniform FHB Fungicide Test and the Standard Evaluation of Biologicals. Evaluate incidence and severity of FHB on 50 randomly selected heads per plot at soft dough stage and calculate FHB index. Determine yield and test weight from harvested plots. Visually evaluate grain for percentage of scabby kernels. Send a sample from each plot for DON analysis. Increase advanced lines with FHB resistance and evaluate for yield and quality. Evaluate intermediate lines for resistance to FHB and other diseases. Make new crosses.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Eugene Milus - Associate Professor 301-504-5560

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