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Research Project: Development of Scab Resistant Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties


Project Number: 500-53-002-24
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jun 08, 2004
End Date: Jun 07, 2005

Combine genes for scab resistance from diverse sources. Identify breeding lines with better resistance to scab than any of the parents (transgressive segregants). Evaluate doubled haploid lines and identify scab resistant lines.

Make additional crosses involving scab resistant and adapted parents. Use F(1) plants from crosses that combined different types of scab resistance in three way crosses to adapted parents. Collect data on scab resistance of breeding lines in our program as well as lines in the Uniform Scab Nurseries and select resistant lines based on greenhouse and field evaluations. Conduct research on the development of an improved index as an alternative to the commonly used FHB index to improve the ranking of scab resistance among wheat breeding lines.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Frederic Kolb - Associate Professor 301-504-5560

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