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Research Project: Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat: Epidemiology and Management by Genetic and Chemical Means


Project Number: 500-53-002-25
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jun 08, 2004
End Date: Jun 07, 2005

Identify fungicides that provide effective and economical disease management for farmers. Quantify the effect of primary inoculum abundance on FHB development. Conduct experiments to characterize new sources of resistance to FHB and provide information on inheritance of resistance and stability of expression of different types of resistance.

Conduct one trial in west-central Indiana under mist irrigation and another trial in southeast Indiana where weather is often favorable for the development of FHB using crop rotation, host resistance and chemical or biological control. In addition to a core set of treatments, additional treatments will be applied at different growth stages to evaluate the effect of minor differences in fungicide application timing and efficacy. Conduct experiments to investigate the effect of local inoculum abundance, in addition to weather, on the incidence of FHB. Evaluate recombinant inbred lines from crosses with good Type II resistance and excellent Type I resistance.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Gregory Shaner - Professor 301-504-5560

Related National Programs
  Plant Diseases (303)

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