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Research Project: Validating a Rapid Immunological Test for Fusarium Graminearum


Project Number: 500-53-002-31
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jun 03, 2004
End Date: Jun 02, 2005

Examine the relationship between fugal mass, DON, and antigen mass in Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium spp. isolates grown under different environmental stresses. Determine the relationship between quantitative values F. graminearum and DON in single kernels of barley collected from seed heads with varying FHB severity ratings. Compare immunoquantification with real-time PCR, FHB severity scores and ergosterol quantifications of Fusarium graminearum.

Determine the best media for growing three isolates of F. graminearum. Quantify mycelia grown at different temperatures by weight and immunology and analyze DON to compare conditions necessary for each. Harvest kernels from 10 seed heads ranging in FHB scores from field plots. Analyze for DON and Fusarium. Use regression analysis to establish whether a minimum F. graminearum seed colonization is necessary for DON production and an analysis of variability to determine the effect of location within the spike on DON. Use monoclonal antibodies to quantify F. graminearum in 70 barley samples using real-time PCR, visual damage scores, DON, ergosterol and immunoquantification.

Project Team
Simmons, Mary - Kay
Nicholas Hill - Principal Investigator 301-504-5560

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