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Research Project: Determination of the Nutrient Composition and Physical Characteristics of Meat & Poultry Products

Location: Nutrient Data

Project Number: 1235-52000-051-10
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Jun 01, 2003
End Date: May 31, 2008

To identify and quantify the nutrient composition of representative food samples in order to improve and expand the USDA Nutrient Databases. The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide quality control and support for USDA-initiated laboratory contracts and other laboratory projects to improve the quality of data in the National Nutrient Data Bank.

The Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL) is responsible for developing and disseminating authoritative food composition database of foods in the U.S. diet. Foods for preparation and analysis will be selected on the following bases: 1.) Key Foods, those identified as contributing up to 75% of any one nutrient of public health significance; 2.) foods frequently uses as ingredients; 3.) foods containing nutrients of emerging interest. Sampling plans will be developed for each type of food sampled, to assure a representative sampling of the food supply. Samples of food will be delivered to the cooperator for weighing, dissecting for physical components, preparation (including cooking), packaging and shipment to specified analytical laboratories for nutrient analysis. The cooperator will also establish procedures for inclusion of control materials or duplicate samples for quality control assurance. In many cases, the cooperator will need to develop preparation, dissection and cooking protocols. In addition, the agreement includes consultations with NDL and cotract laboratories on issues of methodology, sample analysis, handling and storage. The cooperator will also offer expertise in experimental design and interpretation of results of the nutrient analyses.

Project Team
Howe, Juliette - Julie
Dennis Buege - Professor And Extension Meat Specialist (301) 504-0630

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