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Research Project: Comprehensive Systems for Managing Nutrient Flows and Gaseous Emissions in Relation to Dairy Manure

Location: Animal Manure and By-Products

Project Number: 1265-12000-026-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Apr 03, 2000
End Date: Apr 02, 2005

Redirect whole-animal carbon & nitrogen to reduce c and n emissions/unit animal product and enhance environmental sensitivity. Develop efficient strategies for management of nutrient flows and gaseous emissions by identifying major loss pathways. Develop manure treatment, handling, and use practices that reduce release of nutrients, ammonia, odors, bioaerosols and dust particles to air & water. Develop rapid methods of analysis for both inorganic and organic nitrogen in manures.

We will employ five methodologies for addressing nutrient capture, nutrient flows from animals and emissions reductions in confined vs grazing cattle systems, both of which are extensively utilized in dairy and beef production systems in the US. The combination or elimination of individual methodologies will be considered throughout the conduct of the research to eliminate redundancies and increase efficiency and economy where possible. All procedures with animals will be subject to review and approval of the Beltsville Area Research Animal Care Committee and the Livestock and Poultry Sciences Animal Care and Use Committee.

Project Team
Meisinger, John
Mulbry, Walter
McConnell, Laura
Dao, Thanh
Reeves, James

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001
  FY 2000


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  Air Quality (203)
  Manure and Byproduct Utilization (206)

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   Development of Decision Support Modules to Reduce Ammonia Losses and Improve Nitrogen Management on Dairy Farms
   Minimizing the Production of Reduced Sulfur Gases from Waste Treatment Processes

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