Sherwood L. Boehlert, Chairman
House Committee on Science
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House Committee on Science

Subcommittee on Research Hearings
108th Congress - 1st Congress

December 5, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on Nanotechnology Research and Development: The Biggest Little Thing in Texas


Hearing Charter - pdf | Witness List | Hearing Transcript | Congressman Michael C. Burgess | Da Hsuan Feng | Richard Reidy - pdf | Ronald L. Elsenbaumer | Christopher J. Gintz | James R. Von Ehr II |


October 30, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on Implementation of the Math Science Partnership Program: Views from the Field


Hearing Charter - pdf | Hearing Transcript | Osman Yasar - pdf | Ed Chi | Jeffrey M. Mikols | Susana Navarro - pdf | Joan Ferrini-Mundy - pdf |


July 17, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on The United States Fire Administration Authorization Act of 2003


Hearing Charter | Hearing Transcript | Chairman Nick Smith | Congressman Dave Camp | Arden Bement | Dennis Compton | John Hall | R. David Paulison |


July 17, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Mark-Up of 2692


H.R. 2692 as reported - pdf | Section by Section - pdf |


July 9, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on H.R. 2183, Minority-Serving Institution Digital and Wireless Technology Opportunity Act


Hearing Charter | Hearing Transcript | Chairman Smith | Congressman Towns | Frederick Humphries | Ricardo Fernandez | Larry Earvin | Dwight Fennell | Rita Colwell |


June 12, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on Plant Biotechnology Research and Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities


Hearing Charter | Hearing Transcript | Chairman Nick Smith | Honorable J. Dennis Hastert | Rita Colwell | Andrew Natsios | Gordon Conway | Robert Horsch | John Kilama - pdf | Thembeitshe Joseph (TJ) Buthelezi |


May 8, 2003 - Subcommittee on Research Hearing on The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: Past, Present, and Future


Hearing Charter | Hearing Transcript | Chairman Smith | Anthony Lowe | Robert Olson | Lloyd Cluff | Thomas O'Rourke | Lawrence Reaveley | Priscilla Nelson | Shyam Sunder | Charles Groat |

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