PART: A computerized method of base-flow-record estimation

This web site includes information about the use of the PART computer program for analyzing a streamflow record. The version at this site will read streamflow data in the format that is available from USGS web sites.
The computer program PART uses streamflow partitioning to estimate a daily record of ground-water discharge under the streamflow record. The method designates ground-water discharge to be equal to streamflow on days that fit a requirement of antecedent recession, linearly interpolates ground-water discharge for other days, and is applied to a long period of record to obtain an estimate of the mean rate of ground-water discharge.

Comments about this site can be sent to Al Rutledge.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Office of Ground Water
Last update: 15:19:38 Thu 19 Jun 2003
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