October 23, 2004

Junior High/High School

Text Only


Student Center


Welcome!  I am glad that you found my web site, and I hope this site can answer some questions you have about our government, and me, because I work for you.


I want to tell you a little bit about myself.  I moved to Georgia after serving in the Air Force.  I have been a dentist, a small businessman, and a State legislator in the Georgia General Assembly.  Clearly, in the United States, you have the opportunity to do a lot of different things during the course of your lifetime, and I hope that you will follow your dreams, get a good education and succeed in whatever you choose to do in life.  Today, I serve the people of the Seventh Congressional District of Georgia in the United States House of Representatives.


I have put together this section of my web site to help you learn more about the legislative process, the House and Senate, and a number of things that may affect you as a student.  Below are three student sections that contain useful information at different levels of schooling.


 Elementary School   


Junior High / High School

