USGS Water Resources

In Reply Refer To:                               May 11, 1993
Mail Stop 415


To:       Regional Hydrologists, NR, CR, SR, WR

From:     Chief, Office of Surface Water

Subject:  Summary of the Bridge Scour Assessment Work Group

The Bridge Scour Assessment Work Group was formed by the Office of Surface 
Water (OSW) in 1991 to address technical and coordination issues relative 
to scour assessment studies.  The attached summary of the work group efforts 
is provided as an aid to Districts conducting  or planning to conduct such 
scour studies.  The summary contains work group findings that should be 
very beneficial in maintaining standardization among studies, and provides 
guidelines on approach, data-quality assurance, and quality control of 
scour-assessment studies.

The OSW compliments the work group on its efforts that will improve the 
quality of scour-assessment projects.

Please distribute the summary to Districts in your Region.


                                   Charles W. Boning

We want your feedback!
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Office of Surface Water
Last update: 17:21:06 Mon 09 Jul 2001
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