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Last Update:
13:58:58 Mon 11 Mar 2002

National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI)

As proposed, NEMI will provide a user-friendly, unified methods database searchable over the World Wide Web. NEMI will allow rapid communication and comparison of methods, thus ensuring that the consideration and reconsideration of of analytic methods is a more active part of the planning and implementation of environmental sampling programs.

Why is a National Environmental Methods Index needed? (120KB pdf file) -- fact sheet containing more information on the goal and purpose of NEMI

PBMS | NEMI | Nutrients | Biology & Microbiology | Field and Lab Accreditation | Water Quality Data Elements | Outreach and Publicity

Please sign our guestbook and provide us with information about your organization and its monitoring program, or send us information about efforts you believe the NEMI Work Group or the Methods and Data Comparability Board should undertake.