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NDWAC Small Systems Group - April 10, 2000

National Drinking Water Advisory Council Small System
Implementation Working Group
April 10, 2000

I. Welcome

John Scheltens welcomed everyone and started the call by explaining that he would be filling in for Peter Shanaghan (EPA Headquarters) as the facilitator.  John then took a roll call and stated that the goals for the call were to review and take comments on the structure, format, and substance of the draft Report of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council Small Systems Implementation Working Group.

II. Structure and Format

There was a general consensus that the structure and the format of the paper accurately displayed the deliberations and conclusions of the Working Group.  Many members found the tables at the end of the report very useful.

Bridget O’Grady (ASDWA) requested that the Working Group consider delineating those recommendations that pertain to the drinking water primacy program from those that pertain to the State government.  The Working Group generally agreed with Ms. O’Grady’s comments but explained that the recommendations generally were not targeted toward a specific State Agency because the regulatory process and division of responsibility among agencies differ across States.  Given this, the Working Group felt the recommendations should be presented in such a way that implementation responsibility and process are left up to the States.  The Working Group agreed to make this point explicitly in the Report.  

III. Substance

John Scheltens led the Working Group through a review of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations for each strategic option.

1. Water System Capacity Development

 The Working Group adopted by consensus the content of the Water System Capacity Development section of the draft Report. 

2. Public Awareness and Education

 One member commented that in Conclusion 2A, language should be added reflecting the need to involve the public in the design of public awareness campaigns.  The Working Group agreed to this change by consensus.  The Working Group also agreed to delete the word “tripartite.”

 With the addition of the changes noted above, the Working Group adopted by consensus the content of the Public Awareness and Education section of the draft Report.

3. Water System Governance

 Bridget O’Grady suggested removing penalty forgiveness as an incentive for participation in board-member training (Recommendation 3.9) because she felt the concept runs counter to the direction currently being taken in several States.  She offered a revision: “States should consider providing incentives for participation in board-member training.  Examples include financial assistance and opportunities to improve performance and compliance rates through training and education.”  The Working Group agreed by consensus to change the language of Recommendation 3.9 based on Ms. O’Grady’s suggestion.  Further revisions may be made to the language.

 With the addition of the changes noted above, the Working Group adopted by consensus the content of the Water System Governance section of the draft Report.

4. Water System Organization
 The Working Group adopted by consensus the content of the Water System Organization section of the draft Report.

5. Water Service Costs and Affordability

 The Working Group discussed several potential changes to the text of Recommendation 5.9 to reflect a broader need for a dedicated fund.  The Working Group agreed by consensus to revise Recommendation 5.9 by deleting the phrase “and targeted to the unique needs of small systems.” The Working Group agreed that this concept was better addressed in the section concerning Unsustainable Water Systems.

 With the addition of the changes noted above, the Working Group adopted by consensus the content of the Water Service Costs and Affordability section of the draft Report.

Conference Call Participants

  • Kevin Brown - Director of the Division of Drinking Water, Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality. (ASDWA)
  • Jim Dunlap - Owner, John Deere Dealership. National Rural Water Association (NWRA)
  • Andrea Griese - Drinking Water Program, South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  (ASDWA)
  • J.W. Hellums, Jr. - Operations/Management Specialist, Community Resource Group.  (RCAP)
  • Leon Jacobs, Jr. - Commissioner, Florida Public Service Commission.  (NARUC)
  • Kirk Leifheit - Ohio EPA, Division of Drinking & Ground Waters.  (ASDWA)
  • John Scheltens - City Engineer, City of Hot Springs, South Dakota.  (NDWAC)
  • David R. Siburg - Manager, Public Utilities District (PUD) #1 of Kitsap County, Washington.  American Water Works Association. (AWWA)
  • Michael Walsh - President, Shorelands Water.  (NAWC)
  • Bob Wendelgass - Pennsylvania State Director, Clean Water Action. (CWA)
  • Joshua Joseph - EPA Headquarters
  • Mark Mazzola - EPA Headquarters
  • Deborah McCray - EPA Headquarters
  • Janice Beecher - The Cadmus Group
  • Ian Kline - The Cadmus Group
  • Suzanne Moore  -The Cadmus Group
  • Bridget O’Grady  -Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA)

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