Navy Medicine
Navy Environmental Health Center M-11 Directory Field Activites Special Interest NEHC Sitemap M11 - NEHC Index Ensur Navy & Marine Corps readiness through leadership in prevention of disease & promotion of health

Population Health Preventive Medicine Directorate

The Preventive Medicine Directorate provides multi-disciplinary technical consultation and program assessment in the fields of epidemiology, medical entomology, environmental health and preventive medicine. PrevMed reviews, evaluates, revises and recommends implementation of programs for preventing disease in the Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their families, retirees and civilian employees. We support naval activities through program development, information resources and training. PrevMed provides guidance to field activities on requirements, policies and standards for Navy disease prevention programs. This directorate assists in developing, producing and publicizing training materials; and reviews existing training programs to ensure they are current and appropriate. The specialists in this directorate attends appropriate professional meetings, and participates in working group's councils and advisory boards related to its areas of technical expertise. PrevMed at NEHC is the central coordinator of technical expertise and consultation in Naval Preventive Medicine. This allows NEHC to advise the CNO, Surgeon General, and BUMED on epidemiology, entomology, and environmental healthmatters related to deployment medical surviellance and public health policies.
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