USA Freedom Corps:


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VIEWED ON: Wednesday, November 17, 2004



Many Americans are already volunteering a few hours each week or month with a local school, church, neighborhood association, hospital or other local service organization and many more are serving full time in the military or other programs such as Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps and the Peace Corps. Many more are looking for new ways to get involved.

Find a Volunteer Opportunity

You can use this web site to find service opportunities that interest you. It is designed so that Americans of all ages and backgrounds who are looking to serve their community, our country and the world can find a way to get involved by using the most comprehensive network of service organizations ever assembled. Click here to Find a Volunteer Opportunity.

The USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network includes America's Promise,, the Points of Light Foundation, Network for Good, The United Way, VolunteerMatch, National Mentoring Partnership, and SERVEnet, each of which represent thousands of organizations using volunteer services to meet important community needs. The Network also includes the federal government agencies that offer opportunities for more than one million Americans to get involved in volunteer service each year including the land management agencies that are part of, the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Learn and Serve America and the newly-created Citizen Corps. Our site is housed by the Corporation for National and Community Service, and the search engine for the Network is powered by Network for Good.

Click here to see a list of the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network Partners.

For Individuals

In addition to finding new opportunities to get involved, you can keep an online record of your volunteer activities through the Record of Service. You can set up a unique user identity to keep an online journal with details about your experiences in volunteer service and your progress in meeting the President's call to service. You can also download a book that includes information on volunteer service as well as quotes and stories about the volunteer work of individuals where you can write about your experiences. You can share your journal with your children or grandchildren, inspiring new generations of Americans to get involved. Click here to go to the Record of Service.

You can also keep up on the latest developments on the USA Freedom Corps initiative, find Spotlights on individuals, organizations or programs that are making a difference in our communities, or sign up for a regular newsletter.

You can also find information on recognition programs and awards or scholarships that support community involvement.

For Businesses

Businesses interested in supporting and improving volunteer service opportunities will find resources to help them reach out to their employees and customers to stimulate involvement in community activities. Click here to get the information on how companies in any industry and of any size can help engage their employees, customers and shareholders in volunteer service.

For Nonprofit Organizations

Tens of thousands of organizations around the country and the world are using the talents of volunteers to meet important community needs. Those organizations can join the USA Freedom Corps Network through this site to reach out to potential volunteers, and they will also find resources and information to help them better recruit, train and keep volunteers to be active in fulfilling their important mission. Click here to get the information on how nonprofit organizations can post volunteer opportunities through the Network and also improve their volunteer recruitment and management.

For Educators

America's young people are capable of participating in volunteer activities to support a variety of needs, and by engaging them in service as youth, we help them to build habits of service that will last for decades. The USA Freedom Corps has developed the Students in Service to America guide and related resources to help K-12 educators create service and service-learning opportunities for the young people they work with. Click here to find these and other resources for educators interested in offering their students opportunities to make a difference.