NSF LogoAward Search Results

Found 27 awards looking for ((awdAwardInstr <STARTS> 'Standard Grant' <OR> awdAwardInstr <STARTS> 'Continuing Grant' <OR> awdAwardInstr <STARTS> 'Cooperative Agreement') <AND> (awdExpires > 10-31-2004) <AND> (awdNSFProgram <STARTS> '7271'))
Showing awards 1 - 25
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  1. The Professional Learning Community Model for Alternative Pathways in Teaching Science and Mathematics (PLC-MAP)
    #0353377 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  2. Mentoring and Induction Support for Urban Secondary Science and Mathematics Teachers
    #0353440 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  3. Using TIMSS Videos to Improve Learning of Mathematics: A Conference to be Convened at the Wingspread Conference Center, Racine, Wisconsin, summer, 2004
    #0426016 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  4. Conference on Teacher Research Experiences, Supplement to the ARMADA Project, to be held at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography in October, 2004
    #0434076 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  5. Industry-Education Partnership: A Model for the Teacher Professional Continuum
    #0353441 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  6. Mathematics Specialist in K-5 Schools: Research and Policy Pilot Study
    #0353360 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  7. Exploratory Research to Develop Methods for Studying Adult Development in Math Teacher Professional Development
    #0439281 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  8. Children and Rural Education (CARE): Left Behind from the Start -- A Conference to be Convened at the University of Louisiana, Monroe, in Monroe, Louisiana, April 3-5, 2005
    #0424798 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  9. Learning in Practice: New Possibilities for Teacher Professional Education in Science
    #0353341 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  10. Project MAESTRo: Measuring Adaptive Expertise in Science Teachers' Reasoning
    #0353451 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  11. Exploring the Development of Beginning Secondary Science Teachers in Various Induction Programs
    #0353357 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  12. Promoting Science Among English Language Learners (P-SELL) within a High-stakes Testing Policy Context
    #0353331 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  13. CAREER: Discourse Analysis: A Catalyst for Reflective Inquiry in Mathematics Classrooms
    #0347906 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  14. Linking Science and Literacy in the Classroom: A Conference to be Convened in Seattle, Washington on November 17, 2004
    #0442722 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  15. Problem-based Learning Designed for Science and Mathematics Professional Development
    #0353406 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  16. Fostering Geometric Thinking in the Middle Grades
    #0353409 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  17. Connecting Science and Literacy Program: Professional Development Resources for Elementary Teachers
    #0353368 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  18. Lenses on Learning: Understanding Mathematics Instruction at the Secondary Level
    #0353277 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  19. Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning (VITAL): A Learning Environment for Courses in Early Childhood Mathematics Education
    #0353402 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  20. ThEMaTe: Thought Experiments in Mathematics Teaching
    #0353285 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  21. Learning to Learn About Science Teaching: Building Analysis of Practice into Pre-service Teacher Education
    #0353474 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  22. Developing a Professional Learning Community Model for Secondary Precalculus Teachers: A Model for Teacher Professional Growth
    #0353470 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  23. Enhancing the Capacity of Math and Science Teachers -- A Conference to be Held in Washington, DC, Spring 2004
    #0352671 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  24. Communication in Science Inquiry Project (CISIP)
    #0353469 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

  25. Nurturing Mathematics Dreamkeepers
    #0353412 -- Score: 100% -- [Text version]

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