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October 28, 2003

US Departments of Energy, State and Transportation to Host Inaugural Meeting of International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy in Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, DC - The United States Departments of Energy, State and Transportation will host ministerial delegations from 13 countries and the European Commission at the inaugural meeting of the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE), November 19-21 in Washington, DC.

The IPHE inaugural meeting will feature formal ministerial statements on hydrogen policies and programs in each of the 15 IPHE nations.

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham called for the creation of the IPHE in his speech to the International Energy Agency Ministerial in Paris, France on April 28, 2003. In June to the European Union Conference on Hydrogen in Belgium, Secretary Abraham called on the International community to join him in a Ministerial level conference to formally define and establish the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy.

The ministerial meeting will culminate in the signing of a Terms of Reference formally creating the IPHE as an international mechanism to coordinate hydrogen research and hydrogen technology development and deployment

The United States Energy Association is co-hosting the IPHE meeting.


Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham; officials from the Departments of Energy, State and Transportation; ministerial delegations from Europe, Latin America, Asia and North America; and senior officials from leading companies in hydrogen research, development and technology deployment


International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy Ministerial Meeting


Wednesday, November 19 - Friday, November 21, 2003


Omni Shoreham Hotel
2500 Calvert St. NW
Washington, DC

MEDIA NOTE: To request media credentials, media should visit the official website of the IPHE at www.usea.org/iphe.htm or contact Albert Doub of the United States Energy Association at (202) 312-1230.

Media Contact(s):
Corry Schiermeyer, 202/586-5806
Tom Welch, 202/586-5806

Number: N-03-158

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