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July 9, 2003

Abraham Unveils Smart Energy Use Education Campaign

Highlights New Energysavers.gov Website & Public Awareness Campaign To Educate Consumers, Homeowners and Business Owners on Smart Energy Use

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham said today that all Americans should practice smart energy use as he launched the Department of Energy’s (DOE) public awareness campaign to educate businesses, homeowners and consumers on ways they can cut energy bills.

With lower-than-normal natural gas stocks and higher demand for the popular energy source, the department is kicking off its energy awareness campaign with regional meetings and events and public service announcements to educate consumers on steps to save on home, business and consumer energy costs this year.

“The demand for natural gas is growing faster than producers can get it out of the ground and ship it to consumers,” Abraham said, kicking off a conservation campaign tied to the Bush administration’s national energy strategy.  “If we have an usually hot summer, there’s a chance that prices could increase dramatically because of tight natural gas supplies.”

The campaign began this morning in Washington with Abraham unveiling the department’s new Energysavers.gov website, a series of public service announcements, the announcement that the department will be holding regional energy summits this year, and Abraham’s Smart Energy Tour.

Abraham will travel to Long Island City, NY, today, followed by stops Thursday in Philadelphia, PA, Columbus, Ohio, and Milwaukee, Wis. to spread the message of smart energy use around the country.

“America’s natural gas shortage effects everyone; from senior citizens, living on fixed incomes, to small business owners trying to keep the lights on,” Abraham said.  “While we work to increase our production and storage capacities for natural gas, we must also focus on using our natural gas resources wisely and to our own best benefit.”

“Individuals can play an important role in reducing energy use,” he said.  “Conserving energy in the home saves consumers money today while also helping ensure abundant energy supplies in the future.”

Key strategies to address short-term issues with natural gas use were discussed as part of Abraham’s natural gas summit held in Washington late last month, including the need to communicate energy saving ideas to the public.

  • The growing summer demand for natural gas, combined with heavy gas usage during this past winter’s unusually cold temperatures for much of the Nation, has left storage levels well below normal for this time of year, according to the department’s Energy Information Administration.

Abraham said to combat higher prices; consumers can study their energy routine for wasteful habits. 

The Smart Energy Campaign:

  • The Energysavers.gov website will educate consumers on specific steps they can take to conserve.  DOE will be asking other government agencies to link to the Energysavers.gov website.
  • Utility groups announced this morning that they will begin a bill-stuffing campaign to educate their consumers on smart energy practices, as part of the Smart Energy Campaign.
  • DOE will also be sending a letter to all 50 governors with recommended actions that states can take to improve the natural gas situation, including infrastructure improvements and joining the Smart Energy Campaign.
  • DOE will contact news outlets through the country encouraging them to publicize the Smart Energy Campaign and Energysavers.gov website, along with an opinion editorial on the campaign for publication.
  • DOE’s public service announcements, to be broadcast in English and Spanish, will be available on the Energysavers.gov website for use by radio stations throughout the country.
  • DOE’s regional summits on energy use will begin in Atlanta, with other cities to be announced later this summer.

Joining Abraham at this morning’s announcement were the American Gas Association, the Alliance to Save Energy, American Public Power Association, and Edison Electric Institute.

Media Contact(s):

Joe Davis or Jeanne Lopatto, 202/586-4940


Number: R-03-143

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