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July 14, 2003

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham Calls on Nation's Governors To Join Smart Energy Campaign

Encourages States To Link Websites to Consumer Friendly Energysavers.gov For Practical Tips on Conserving Energy

Washington - In a letter to all 50 of the nation's governors released this week, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham urged state chief executives and their state energy agencies to join the Department's Smart Energy Campaign, a broad-based communications campaign to educate consumers, homeowners and businesses on the need to conserve energy in the wake of low natural gas supplies and rising demand for the popular energy source.

Abraham urged each Governor to place the energsavers.gov link on their official website.  The energysavers.gov website promotes smart energy use and provides practical tips on how to save on energy costs at home.  Smart energy public service announcements and key facts about energy use can also be found on the site.

Abraham launched the campaign with a Smart Energy Tour to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin in the past week and is currently planning visits to Georgia and Tennessee.

"In the wake of rising natural gas demand, it is important that we all practice smart energy use in the coming summer and winter months when demand for natural gas is at its peak," Abraham said.  "From simply installing a programmable thermostat to control home temperature, to installing energy efficient lighting, energy consumers can do a lot to cut costs at home and help relieve the growing pressures on America's natural gas supply."

The text of the letter from the Secretary of Energy follows:

Dear Governor:

I am writing today to request your assistance in distributing important information to the residents of your state that will help our Nation as we confront potential natural gas price and supply issues.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has indicated that the Nation’s stocks of natural gas in underground storage are unusually low due to weather factors and increased demand.   The industry is already responding by increasing storage rates, marked lately by record storage injections.   There are only limited opportunities to increase supply over the next 12 to 18 months; therefore, an emphasis must be on energy efficiency and smart energy use. 

I invite you to visit the U.S. Department of Energy’s user-friendly website: www.energysavers.gov, which will provide residents of your state with valuable tips on how they can save energy and money.   Additionally, if your state energy office has not already done so, I would suggest it may want to create a link to our site on your state's webpage.

The Bush Administration is also looking for ways to lead by example in saving energy and, in particular, natural gas at our country's federal facilities. I would encourage state governments to do the same.”


Spencer Abraham

The Smart Energy Campaign, tied to President Bush’s national energy strategy, launched on July 9.  Along with the letter above, the Smart Energy Campaign activities include:

  • The Energysavers.gov website to educate consumers on specific steps they can take to conserve.  DOE will be asking other government agencies to link to the Energysavers.gov website.
  • Contacting news outlets throughout the country encouraging them to publicize the Smart Energy Campaign and Energysavers.gov website, along with an opinion editorial on the campaign for publication.
  • Public service announcements recorded by Secretary Abraham, to be broadcast in English and Spanish, for use by radio stations throughout the country.   They are available for download at the Energysavers.gov website
  • Regional summits by DOE on energy use, which will begin in Atlanta, with other cities to be announced later this summer.
  • A Smart Energy Tour stopping in Long Island City, N.Y., Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Columbus, Ohio.

Media Contact(s):
Joe Davis, 202-586-4940
Jana Toner, 202-586-4940


Number: R-03-152

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