Your Medicare Coverage
Welcome to the Medicare Coverage section of This section
provides information about your health care benefits in the Original Medicare
plan (sometimes referred to as "fee-for-service"). By searching this database
you will find:
- Some of the services and supplies the Original Medicare Plan covers;
- The conditions that must be met for some services or supplies to be covered;
- How often services or supplies are covered (limits);
- How much you pay;
- Who you can contact if you have additional questions;
- Some of the services and supplies the Original Medicare Plan does not currently cover.
More information on Your Medicare Coverage Database
The information contained in this database is also available in the CMS publication titled Your Medicare Benefits.
It is important for you to understand that Medicare does not cover everything,
and it does not pay the total cost for most services or supplies that are covered.
You should talk to your doctor to be sure you are getting the service or supply
that best meets your health care needs.
The amount of your coverage is also dependent on whether you have coverage under
Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, or both. Medicare Part A
typically pays for your inpatient hospital expenses and Medicare
Part B typically covers your outpatient health care expenses including doctor fees.
A benefit is a health care service or supply that is paid for in part or in full by Medicare.
Note: If you belong to a Medicare Advantage Plan (formerly Medicare + Choice), it must cover at least
the same benefits covered under Medicare Part A and Part B. However, your costs
may be different, and you may have extra benefits, like coverage for prescription
drugs or extra days in the hospital. You should contact your Medicare Advantage Plan administrator for specific coverage information for the plan in which you are
enrolled. If you are interested in seeing what Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans
are available in your area, please visit the Medicare Personal
Plan Finder section of our website.
Frequently Asked Questions about Medicare Coverage
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