USGS Western Ecological Research Center


White-fronted Geese
The Dixon Field Station is located near the center of the Central Valley of California. This region winters 60 percent of the Pacific Flyway waterfowl and 20 percent of the waterfowl in North America. Federal, state, and private natural resource managers are challenged with impacts from the loss of 95 percent of California's wetlands, rapid urbanization, and agricultural and industrial contamination.
Fieldwork is conducted in the Pacific Flyway states of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, with international work in the Pacific Rim countries of Canada, Mexico, and Russia. Specialized expertise in geographic information systems and global positioning systems provides critical support to the research program. The Dixon Field Station biologists are internationally recognized for standard and satellite telemetry applications in wildlife studies.
Among clients and partners are Department of the Interior agencies (including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, and Bureau of Land Management), California Department of Fish and Game, Grassland Water District, Ducks Unlimited Inc., Grassland Resource Conservation District, California Waterfowl Association, University of California at Davis, Corps of Engineers, and Natomas Basin Conservancy.
For more information, contact:
Dixon Field Station
USGS Western Ecological Research Center
6924 Tremont Road
Dixon, California 95620
Phone: (707) 678-0682
Fax: (707) 678-5039

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Last update: 09 April 2003