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Errata for Annual Energy Outlook 2004

On February 10, 2004, the following data presented in the Annual Energy Outlook 2004 was updated:

a) Correction for Reporting Error in Coal Prices to the Electric Power Sector

Tables 3 and 16 in Appendices A, B, and C: In Table 3, the Steam Coal price to the Electric Power Sector, as well as the Electric Power Sector Fossil Fuel Average price, and the Coal price in the Average to All Users section were updated. In Table 16, the Delivered Price to Electric Generators, in both dollars per short ton and dollars per million Btu, and the Delivered Price Average were updated.

Appendix F tables 5, 6, and 12: In each of these tables, the line item showing the Coal price to Electric Generators was updated.

Supplement Table 109: Both the Delivered Price of Coal to Electric Generators and the Average Delivered Price were updated.

Table 33 in the Forecast Comparison chapter: The Coal Prices to Electric Generators, in both dollars per short ton and dollars per million Btu, was updated.

b) Correction for Consistency in Reporting of Conventional and Nonconventional U.S. Production in International Tables

Table 21 in Appendices A, B, and C: U.S. Conventional (in Industrialized Countries) and U.S. Nonconventional Production in the international tables were changed to agree with the basis of the data cited in Table 11. This also affects the line items Industrialized Countries Total Conventional Production, Total Conventional Production, Total Nonconventional Production, and Total Production in Table 21. Total Non-OPEC Production, which only appears in Table 21 in Appendix A, is also affected by this update.

c) Revisions of Energy Price Labels

Table 6 in Appendices A, B, and C: The labels in the Energy Price section of Table 6 were reordered to match the order in which the prices appeared in the table. Previously, the labels were incorrectly ordered for some categories.

d) Corrections for Reporting Error in Transportation Air Energy Consumption

In Supplement Table 33: The values for Non-Highway Energy Use, Air, and the components Domestic Air Carriers, International Air Carriers, and Freight Carriers, were updated. This update also affects the Total line, the last line in the table.

On August 25, 2004, updates to tables in the Annual Energy Outlook 2004 were made to address the following issue:

e) Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Table A2 and Supplement Tables 24 to 32

Beginning with the AEO2004, the carbon dioxide emissions in the AEO Appendices are reported in million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent, and the units are identified simply as "million metric tons." In prior years, the carbon dioxide emissions were reported and labeled as "million metric tons carbon equivalent." On Appendix A Table A2, the planned change in labeling for carbon dioxide emissions was omitted and has been corrected. In the Supplement Tables 24 to 32, carbon dioxide emissions by industry have been updated to correct a units conversion error.