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‘I’m concerned that the politics of the moment are overshadowing some important facts.’

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following statement Wednesday regarding chief U.S. arms inspector Charles Duelfer’s report to the committee:

“It is clear that Saddam Hussein was, as the President has long said, a gathering threat to the region and the world. He violated numerous UN resolutions, and had complete disregard for the international sanctions, international law and the UN weapons inspectors. It is clearer still that if some on the campaign trail had their way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power. If they had their way, he would, even now, be flouting the international community and continuing his appetite for mass destruction, support of terrorists, and ongoing genocide.

“Even former chief U.S. arms inspector David Kay said that the specter of Iraq’s proliferation of WMD was a risk ‘we barely avoided.’ Yet I’m concerned that the politics of the moment are overshadowing some important facts. Short memories don’t erase reality, and political platitudes don’t excuse Hussein’s brutality, menacing ambition or threat to the region and the world.”

Within the Armed Services Committee, Cornyn serves on the Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Personnel, and the Strategic Subcommittees. He has visited every active duty military installation in Texas and meets regularly with community groups from military areas in his Washington office.


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