Nursing Homes
Welcome to the Nursing Homes section of our website. The purpose
of this section is to provide visitors with information relating to
Medicaid and Medicare certified nursing homes throughout the
United States. It includes information on payment and patient
rights, and a nursing home checklist which will help you evaluate
the nursing homes that you visit.
The following summaries describe what information can be found
here. To view any section that is of interest to you, please click on
any of the links below, or select any of the links from the menu bar
on the right side of the screen.
Nursing Home Compare: Provides an interactive tool that allows
Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers to access comparison
information about nursing homes. It contains information on every
Medicare and Medicaid-certified nursing home in the country,
including over 17,000 nationwide. Nursing Home Compare includes:
- Nursing home characteristics such as number of beds, type of
ownership and whether or not the nursing home participates in
Medicare, Medicaid or both.
- Resident characteristics including percent of residents with
pressure sore, percent of residents with urinary incontinence
and more.
- Summary information about nursing homes during their last
State inspection.
- Information on the number of registered nurses, licensed practical or
vocational nurses, and nursing assistants in each nursing home.
Nursing Home Checklist: Provides a detailed checklist for rating
different nursing homes visited based upon, Quality of Life, Quality
of Care, Nutrition and Hydration, and Safety. The checklist also
elaborates on how to use the information discovered through
Nursing Home Compare when visiting nursing homes.
About Nursing Home Inspections:
Explains, in more detail, the nursing home inspection process and its goals.
Alternatives to Nursing Home Care: Describes the Medicare
covered programs that are available to those in need of Nursing
Home Care, but who would rather live in the comfort of their own
Paying for Care: Provides basic information about Medicare,
Medicaid, and Long Term Care Insurance as they pertain to Nursing
Home Care.
Nursing Home Resident Rights: Lists the rights, by law, that are
given to all nursing home patients.
Nursing Home Awareness Campaigns: Provides information on
important nursing home awareness campaigns, such as Nutrition
and Hydration Awareness Nutrition Care Alerts.
Nursing Home Publications: Links you to the site's Publication
Page. You will be taken directly to the section containing Nursing
Home related publications.
Nursing Home Related Sites: Links you
to the site's Helpful Contacts section. You will be taken directly to the page
containing Nursing Home related websites.
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