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NIOSH Safety and Health Topic:

Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative

The problem of children being injured while living, working, or visiting agricultural work environments (primarily farms), has been recognized for several decades. Although many individuals and groups have crusaded for the prevention of childhood agricultural injuries over the years, there was not a national, coordinated effort. 

This changed in 1991, when the Surgeon General's Conference on Agricultural Safety and Health was held in Des Moines, Iowa. During this conference, a session entitled Intervention: Safe Behaviors Among Adults and Children highlighted the risks faced by people, both young and adult, involved with production agriculture. 

This was followed in 1992 by a Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention symposium held in Marshfield, Wisconsin. The symposium was sponsored by the National Farm Medicine Center, a component of the Marshfield Medical Research and Education Foundation, which sought to develop consensus on relevant research, education, policy, and other interventions aimed at the reduction of agricultural injuries among children. 

From this meeting developed a core of 42 individuals which formed the National Committee for Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention (NCCAIP). Over a 16-month period, members of the committee finalized a National Action Plan (
) that was released in 1996  for addressing the childhood agricultural injury problem. The National Action Plan recommends leadership, surveillance, research, education, and public policy. The plan specifically recommended that NIOSH serve as the lead federal agency in preventing childhood agricultural injury. 

Due in large part to the efforts by NCCAIP to raise awareness and concern about childhood agricultural injury issues, and with targeted funding from Congress, in October 1996, NIOSH began implementation of a National Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative. NIOSH goals for the initiative are to fill critical data needs; establish an infrastructure which facilitates the use of data to develop and improve upon prevention efforts; and encourage the use of effective prevention strategies by the private and public sectors. To date, NIOSH has undertaken a number of activities to address the recommendations in the National Action Plan.

Background on the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative

Information on the development of the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative, important events leading to the Initiative, and current information on the assessment of the Initiative.

Information on the February 1997 meeting to obtain input from stakeholders for the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative

HHS press release on Child Ag Initiatives

NIOSH Update Announcing National Children's Center for Agricultural Injury Prevention

NIOSH FACTS, Health and Safety for Kids on the Farm

A national childhood agricultural injury prevention initiative.
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. (Castillo D, Hard D, Myers J, Pizatella T, Stout N. 1998. Special Issue 1, 183-191.)

Midcourse review of background, important events, progress and proposed future efforts

Children and Agriculture: Opportunities for Safety and Health, A National Action Plan
External Link:

2001 Child Agricultural Injury Summit
Background Information
External Link:
Final Report this document in PDFPDF Only  793 KB (40 pages)
External Link: Summit Report.pdf

Childhood Agricultural Injury Surveillance

Provides information on NIOSH activities to implement a Childhood Agricultural Injury Surveillance component as recommended by the National Action Plan.

The NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Surveillance Project

Fatal Unintentional Farm Injuries Among Persons Less than 20 Years of Age in the United States: Geographic Profiles
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-131 (July 2001)

Injuries Among Youth on Farms in the United States, 1998
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-154 (June 2001)
this document in PDFPDF Only  1,558 KB (191 pages)

Injuries Among Farm Workers in the United States, 1995
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-153 (May 2001)

Fatal Work-related Injuries in the Agricultural Production and Services Sector Among Youth In the U.S. 1992-1996 (abstract)
Journal of Agromedicine (Castillo DN, Adekoya N, Myers JR. 1999. 6(3),27-41)

Young Workers At Risk When Working in Agricultural Production
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, (Hard DL, Myers JR, Snyder KA, Casini VJ, Morton LL, Cianfrocco R and Fields J. 1999.  Supplement 1:31-33.)

Fatal On-Farm Injuries Among Youth 16 to 19 Years of Age: 1982-1994
Journal of Agricultural safety and Health, (Myers J, Adekoya N. 2001. 7(2): 101-112)

USDA/NASS 1998 Childhood Agricultural Injuries
this document in PDFPDF Only  32 KB (2 pages)
External Link:

MMWR Articles

Youth Agricultural Work-Related Injuries Treated in Emergency Departments–United States, October 1995–September 1997
1998 V47(35), 733-737.

Deaths Among Children Aged Less Than or Equal to 5 Years from Farm Machinery Runovers–Iowa, Kentucky, and Wisconsin, 1995-1998, and United States, 1990-1995
July 1999, V48(28), 605-608.

Childhood Work-Related Agricultural Fatalities–Minnesota, 1994-1997
April 1999, V48(16) 332-335.


Asthma Among Household Youth on Minority Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-118 (December 2003)

Injuries to Youth on Minority Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-117 (December 2003)

Fatal Unintentional Farm Injuries Among Persons Less than 20 Years of Age in the United States: Geographic Profiles
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-131 (July 2001)

Injuries Among Youth on Farms in the United States, 1998
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-154 (June 2001)
this document in PDFPDF Only  1,558 KB (191 pages)

Injuries Among Farm Workers in the United States, 1995
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-153 (May 2001)

Fatal Work-related Injuries In the Agricultural Production and Services Sector Among Uouth In the U.S. 1992-1996 (abstract)
Journal of Agromedicine (Castillo DN, Adekoya N, Myers JR. 1999. 6(3),27-41)

Young Workers At Risk When Working In Agricultural Production
American Journal of Industrial Medicine (Hard DL, Myers JR, Snyder KA, Casini VJ, Morton LL, Cianfrocco R and Fields J. 1999.  Supplement 1:31-33.)

Fatal On-Farm Injuries Among Youth 16 to 19 Years of Age: 1982-1994
Journal of Agricultural safety and Health (Myers J, Adekoya N. 2001. 7(2): 101-112)

USDA/NASS 1998 Childhood Agricultural Injuries
this document in PDFPDF Only  32 KB (2 pages)
External Link:

The childhood agricultural injury prevention strategy workshop: A private sector perspective. Field W., Final Report to NIOSH: A summary of strategies and successes.

MMWR Articles

Youth Agricultural Work-Related Injuries Treated in Emergency Departments–United States, October 1995–September 1997
1998 V47(35), 733-737.

Deaths Among Children Aged Less Than or Equal to 5 Years from Farm Machinery Runovers–Iowa, Kentucky, and Wisconsin, 1995-1998, and United States, 1990-1995
July 1999, V48(28), 605-608.

Childhood Work-Related Agricultural Fatalities–Minnesota, 1994-1997
April 1999, V48(16) 332-335.

Other Publications

North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks and Child Labor Regulations. 2002, June. Cohen, A. Final Contract Report: Available from the NIOSH, Division of Safety Research, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV 26505-2888.

Fatal Agricultural Work Injuries from Harmful Substances or Environments in the United States. 1992-1996. 1999. Adekoya, Nelson and Myers, John R. Technical paper presented at the 1999 NIFS Annual Conference, Ocean City, Maryland.

Non-fatal animal-related injuries to youth occurring on Farms in the US – 1998. 2001. Hendricks KJ, Adekoya N. Presented at the 2001 NIFS Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Fatal and non-fatal falls in US agricultural production to youth less than 20 years old. 2002. Hendricks KJ, Myers JR, Goldcamp EM. Presented at the 2002 NIFS Annual Conference, Ponte Vedra, FL.

Farm Fatalities to Youth 1995-1997: A Comparison by Age Groups. 2002. Goldcamp EM, Myers JR, Hendricks KJ. Presented at the 2002 NIFS Annual Conference, Ponte Vedra, FL.

Non-fatal Injuries: An Overview of Injuries on Racial-Minority Operated Farms in the US, 2000. 2003. Goldcamp Michael, Hendricks Kitty, Layne Larry and Myers John. Research paper presented at the 2003 NIFS Annual Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Farm Hazards to Household Youth on Minority Operated Farms in the US, 2000: Exposure and Injury from Work, Horses, ATVs and Tractors. 2003. Hendricks Kitty, Myers John R., Goldcamp Michael and Layne Larry. Research paper presented at the 2003 NIFS Annual Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Demographics and Non-fatal Injury Patterns of Youth Less than 20 years old on Hispanic Operated Farms in the US, 2000. 2003. Layne LA, Myers JR, Hendricks KJ and Goldcamp EM. Research paper presented at the 2003 NIFS Annual Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Relevant Links

National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
External Link:

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)
External Link:

Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
External Link:

National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse
External Link:

Other Links of Interest

Migrant and Seasonal Hired Adolescent Farmworkers: A Plan to Improve Working Conditions. Recommendations from the National Adolescent Farmworker Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee.
External link:
National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, National Farm Medicine Center, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI.

Creating Safe Play Areas on Farms
this document in PDFPDF Only  906 KB (32 pages)
External link:
This guidance document has been developed as a resource for safety professionals,
farm and rural community leaders, and farm owners who want to understand
important features of safe play areas for children who live on or visit farms, ranches,
orchards or other agricultural settings. The focus is on children between the ages of
2 and 10 years old.

Children and Agriculture: Opportunities for Safety and Health, A National Action Plan
External Link:

2001 Child Agricultural Injury Summit
Background Information
External Link:
Final Report  this document in PDFPDF Only  793 KB (40 pages)
External Link: Summit Report.pdf

  Extramural Research and Funding Opportunities next

Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative

Two men and a child silhouetted in the sunset on a family farm.

Topic Index

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Extramural Research and Funding Opportunities
Childhood Agricultural Fatality Investigation Reports