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EROS Data Center Products

Public Domain Software for Use with USGS Geographic Data

Disclaimer: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Software sites are provided for your information only. Direct questions to the originating Web site. The USGS does not support software on non-USGS sites.

Make sure to read the README files under the account in which the software resides before downloading the programs. Sometimes the servers we point to have exceeded the number of allowable users. If you get an error message when you click on a link, try it again at a later time.

Note: The LULC and Native format DEM and DLG data do not contain record delimiters. Some commercial software requires that delimiters be added. In some cases, you will need to add delimiters before using display programs. USGS Windows 95 viewing software (DLGV32) will display the data correctly with or without record delimiters. SDTS formatted data does not require delimiters.

USGS Web sites:

Translation and Display Software: DLGV32 -- Windows 95 software for viewing USGS Digital Line Graph Optional (DLG-O), Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) data, and Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) data.

LAS/ADAPS Software Distribution and Documentation.

Public Domain Software for SDTS

Non-USGS Web sites:

USGS DEM to TGA converter-- dem2tga4 is a public domain program that will convert 1:250,000 scale (DEM) data and create a TGA (Targa Image) file from it, which is viewable from most graphics viewers and applications.

Various GIS utilities
GIS utilities from the Bureau of Land Management
GIS utilities from Geo Community.

Software for adding delimiters
CHOP--A DOS based program that adds record delimiters. Copy From the Bureau of Land Management

Other Software:
GNU "gzip" utility for uncompressing GeoData: Skip past Versions
UNIX Version
MAC Version
MSDOS Version

DOS version of tar.
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