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2002 Publications
Displaying 1 to 20 of 25 Records

Mating Disruption Research: Past, Present, and Future - (31-Dec-02)
First Field Report for a Nematode (Tylenchida: Sphaerularioidea) Attacking the Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemu Hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in the Americas - (20-Dec-02)
The Impact of Nutrition Spore Yields for Various Fungal Entomopathogens in in Liqiud Culture - (19-Dec-02)
Immunohistochemical Detection of Midgut Differentiation Factor (Mdfi) in Midgut Cells of Heliothis Virescens - (15-Nov-02)
Quantitative Expression Analysis of a Glyptapanteles Indiensis Polydnavirusgene in Its Natural Lepidoptera Host, Lymantria Dispar - (24-Oct-02)
Polydnavirus Integration in Lepidopteran Host Cells in Vitro - (16-Oct-02)
The Effects of Diurectics Upon the Activity of the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera:lymantriidae)nucleopolyhedrovirus - (14-Oct-02)
The Effects of Sodium Inhibitors Upon the Activity of the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Nucleopolyhedrovirus - (10-Oct-02)
Comparative Susceptibilities of Twelve Insect Cell Lines to Infection by Four Baculoviruses - (27-Sep-02)
Fluorescent Brighteners Affect Feeding Rates of the Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera:noctuidae) and Act As Enchancers and Sunlight Protectants for Its Nucleopolyhedrovirus - (16-Sep-02)
Optimizing Selective Baits for Diabrotica - (15-Sep-02)
The Coffe Berry Borer, Hypothenemu, Hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) - (24-Aug-02)
Mating Disruption Experiments: Dose-Response and Skipped-Swath Tests - (15-Aug-02)
Distant Effect of Pheromone Used for Mating Disruption of Gypsy Moth - (12-Aug-02)
Effect of Synthetic Pheromone on Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Trap Catch and Mating Success Beyond Treated Areas - (12-Aug-02)
Damage to Lima Beans by Helicoverpa Zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Larvae Treated As Different Instars with a Nucleopolyhedrovirus - (25-Jun-02)
The Presence of the Coffee Berry Borer (Scolytidae) in Puerto Rico: Fact Or Fiction? - (18-Jun-02)
Molecular Indentification of a New Phytoplasma Strain Associated with Alfalfa Witches' Broom in Oman - (15-Jun-02)
Colorado Potato Beetle Survival and Fecundity after Short and Long-Term Rearing on Artificial Diets - (14-Jun-02)
The Nymphal-Adult Molt of the Silverleaf Whitefly (Bermesia Argentifolii): Timing, Regulation, and Progress - (30-May-02)
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