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Great Seal

U.S. Department of State
Office of the Spokesman
Press Statement

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Press Statement by Richard Boucher, Spokesman
August 24, 2000

Ambassador Sherman's Travel to Moscow and Seoul

Counselor of the Department Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman will lead a small delegation to Moscow August 28-29 for consultations with senior Russian officials on a range of North Korea issues.

Ambassador Sherman will then travel to Seoul to lead a U.S. delegation participating in trilateral consultations with the Republic of Korea and Japan on September 1. Delegations of the three countries will discuss a range of issues in our ongoing coordination of policy toward the DPRK. The Republic of Korea delegation will be led by Jang Jai-ryong, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Japanese delegation will be led by Yukio Takeuchi, Deputy Vice Minister for Foreign Policy.

The September trilateral meeting is part of a continuing process of close and cooperative consultations among the three countries, formalized in Hawaii in April, 1999, as the Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group.

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