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Great Seal   Fact Sheet:
Central Asian Terrorism Conference

As released by the Office of the Spokesman, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 15, 2000
U.S. Department of State
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During their discussions today in Astana, Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev renewed their commitment to work together to combat terrorism.

To that end, the Secretary and President announced that Kazakhstan will participate in the upcoming regional Conference on Counterterrorism which will be held in Washington, D.C. in June 2000. The Conference will focus on the terrorism situation in Central Asia. The objectives are to assist the governments in Central Asia to:

  • strengthen their regional coordination network of counterterrorism and security policymakers to enhance regional capacities and capabilities to counter terrorism;
  • expand the exchange of information among the counterterrorism specialists in each country to facilitate regional and international cooperation in counterterrorism approaches;
  • forge a common diplomatic front toward the problem of international terrorism; and
  • benefit from additional information on law enforcement techniques that can enhance effective international investigation and prosecution of terrorists.

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