Adoption & Family Foster Care - The Work/Life Services organization offers information and referral to employees interested in adoption or foster care. A county-by-county listing of home study services and training provided by the Maryland Department of Social Services is available. This listing is designed to assist qualified individuals in the adoption/foster parenting process. In addition, a listing of private adoption agencies is available to assist prospective adoptive parents in locating children of any race or special need, from infancy to 18 years of age, who are awaiting adoption.

Adult/Elder Care Program - All of us, at one time or another will face the impact of caring for our aging parents or loved ones. The goal of the Adult/Elder Care Program is to connect employees with the necessary resources to assist in making informed decisions. Some of the resources available are: housing, adult day care, senior centers, home health services, etc.

Caregiving/Caregivers - Without warning, an illness or accident can transform anyone into a caregiver. We are often faced with handling medical, legal, and emotional difficulties. The following informational resources are available to employees:

  • Assisted Living
  • Caregiving Tips
  • In-home Caregivers
  • Long-Distance Caregiving
  • Nursing Homes
  • Respite Care

Child Care Programs - The Work/Life Services organization works with the Maryland Department of Human Resources, Child Care Administration (MCCA), to provide Agency employees with listings of in-home providers and child care centers in the state of Maryland.

The Ft. Meade Child Development Services Office has two child development centers, drop-in care, family childcare homes, school-age programs and more.

The NSA/CSS Children's World Learning Center (CWLC) is one of Maryland's largest licensed child development centers. The Center complies with Maryland State and Department of Defense regulations on child development centers. CWLC is recognized for program quality with a developmentally-based curriculum, which allows children to learn at their own pace. Located on Ft. Meade, enrollment is open to all NSA/CSS civilian and military employees.

The Work/Life Services organization also provides NSA/CSS employees with Summer Camp/Program information. All counties are represented, and special groups are addressed as well.

Divorce - Divorce can be one of the most traumatic experiences in your life. After the initial shock or decision to get a divorce, there is the reality of all the changes that will take place -- estate holding, finances, emotions, social status, and possibly parenting. The Work/Life Services organization offers assistance and information on these concerns.

Family Assistance Crisis Center - The Work/Life Services organization established the Crisis Hotline for employees and their families to connect them with needed information and resources.

Grandparenting - The traditional grandparenting role is a wonderful experience for many. The Work/Life Services organization has some great suggestions for NSA/CSS employees for staying connected to their grandkids. There is also another side to grandparenting that more and more households are finding commonplace - grandparent raising grandchildren. A myriad of challenges face grandparents in this situation, and Work/Life Services offers resources to NSA/CSS employees.

Missing & Exploited Children Program - Imagine a family's anguish when a beloved child or adult is abducted or disappears, for whatever reason. In response to a presidential mandate, the Work/Life Services organization places photographs of missing persons or children in bulletin boards throughout the campus. The pictures are updated and posted on a monthly basis.

Nursing Mothers Program - NSA/CSS has been a leader in providing support for nursing mothers in the workplace. The Agency's Nursing Mothers Program (NMP) has received national recognition through magazine and newspaper articles and has been used as a model for other Federal, State, and private agencies. Strategically located throughout the Agency campus, the NMP rooms are equipped with Medela Classic pumps (hospital grade) and most with sinks and small refrigerators. This program is open to all Agency employees and military assignees at no cost and with minimal participation requirements.

Single Parenting - Single parenting is difficult. Managing emotions, finances, child discipline, and social time as a family is a challenge. The Work/Life Services organization has some tips to remember and provides some external websites that might be of interest or assistance to the single parent NSA/CSS employee.

Special Needs Children - Access to the right information and resources for those with a child or family member with special needs can make the day-to-day care easier and more manageable. Information is available on the following topics: Child Care, Early Intervention, Respite Care for Parents/Caregivers, Special Education, General Organization/Web Site Resources, and Specific Disorders/Issues Resources.

Work/Life Resource Center - The Work/Life Resource Center is a central place with resources to inform and support NSA/CSS employees and their families regarding issues related to work and personal life.