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FTSL Vacancies
Research Microbiologist
Evaluate and identify the indigenous spoilage microorganisms of meat products susceptible/resistant to hydrodynamic pressure technology (HDP). Investigate Intra/extra cellular target sites of HDP.  Identify the effect, if any, of HDP on pathogens.  Investigate the effect of GRAS compounds combined with hydrodynamic pressure on the spoilage process of fresh, refrigerated meat products. Provide information on food safety implications of hydrodynamic pressure technology.

Research Microbiologist

Incumbent conducts independent and team basic and applied microbiological research to determine the success of newly emerging technologies at reducing or eliminating microorganisms (especially pathogens) associated with meat.  The scientist will be involved in developing companion preservation and processing procedures necessary to reduce microorganisms, thus fully achieving the value-added capabilities of these new technologies. Evaluate the effects of emerging non-thermal food preservation technologies on the microflora of meat.  Investigate the effect of these processes on human  food borne pathogens.   Provide information on food safety implications of these new technologies.

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