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7th Modeling Conference

This area of the SCRAM website contains documents and information related to the 7th Conference on Air Quality Modeling.   Topical areas are identified below for quick access.

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General Information

Conference Status

  The 7th Conference on Air Quality Modeling  was held on June 28-29, 2000 in Washington,  D.C.  The main purpose of the Conference was to receive comments on EPA's proposal to add several new modeling techniques to Appendix W of 40 CFR Part 51. The conference was announced in the Federal Register on May 19, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 98) and proceedings can be viewed HERE or from the file list below. 

  Based on public comments from the 7th Conference, the Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W to 40CFR Part 51) was substantially revised and may be seen HERE.  The public comments clearly supported many proposed changes, notably:
   --  adoption of CALPUFF in appendix A, as proposed, for assessing long range
       transport of pollutants and their impacts on Federal Class I areas;
   --  removal of Climatological Dispersion Model (CDM), Ram and the Urban Airshed
       Model (UAM) from appendix A, as proposed;
   --  simplification of complex terrain screening techniques in section 5;
   --  revision of section 9 to reflect our October 1997 settlement with the Utility Air
       Regulatory Group regarding specification of emissions from background sources,
       as proposed;
   --  transfer of appendix B and appendix C to our website, as proposed.

  Regarding AERMOD, nearly every commenter urged EPA to integrate aerodynamic downwash into AERMOD (i.e., not to require ISC-PRIME for some analyses and AERMOD for others).  The only cautions were associated with the need for documentations, evaluation and review of the downwash enhancement to AERMOD. As a result of AERMIC's (the American Meteorological Society (AMS)/ EPA Regulatory Model Improvement Committee) efforts to revise AERMOD, incorporating the PRIME algorithm and making a few other incidental modifications and to respond to the public's cautions, we believe that AERMOD, as modified for downwash, merits further examination of performance results.  Also, since the April 2000 proposal, the Federal Aviation Administration decided to configure EDMS3.1 to incorporate the AERMOD dispersion model, and results of its performance with AERMOD only recently became available.  Consequently, AERMOD and EDMS4.0, as well as other conforming changes for the Guideline, will be the subject of a separate, later regulatory action.

Conference Proceedings
   NAME           DATE             DESCRIPTION
   PROC6-28             7/27/00          Conference Proceedings for 6/28/00.
   PROC6-29             7/27/00          Conference Proceedings for 6/29/00.





PRIME (Plume RIse Model Enhancements)is a set of algorithms being evaluated as the next generation building downwash model.  This set of algorithms has been incorporated into the latest version of the Industrial Source Complex Short Term Model (ISCST3) and the revised test bed model has been named ISC-PRIME.  Various documents, source code, executable and testcase files are available below for download and evaluation.  These documents, code, etc. have been placed here for historical and comparison purposes since it is expected to be replaced with AERMOD (w/PRIME).

 NAME           DATE            DESCRIPTION
  ISCPRIME            8/26/04         ISC-PRIME ReadMe. (Read First) (TXT)
  USEGUIDE            8/24/98         ISC-PRIME User's Guide. (235K) 
  TEKPAPR1           8/24/98        Technical Papers presented  at '98 AMS Conference.
  TEKPAPR2                               (19K), (32K) 
  EVALRPT             8/24/98         Evaluation of ISCST3/ISC-PRIME. (262K) 
                                                    Graphics not included.  Complete copy available from
  See  ISCPRIME  readme above for ordering

  CONSEQANL       8/24/98        Consequence Analysis. Only available from NTIS.  See
                                                    ISCPRIME  readme above for  ordering information.
  CONSQPAPR      8/24/98       Technical paper on above Consequence Analysis.(22K) 
    (CONSQTBLS)                     Tables for above technical paper. (24K) 

  PRMRPT              8/24/98       EPA Staff Report on ISC-PRIME. (903K)
  ISCPRMSR          8/26/04       ISC-PRIME and BPIPPRM source codes. (217K,ZIP)
  PRMTESTS         8/26/04       Executables, met data, test cases for ISC-PRIME and
                                                   BPIPPRM.  (639K,ZIP)
  PRIMPLDN         10/25/99      Draft: Development and Evaluation of the PRIME Plume
and Building Downwash Model (published in
                                               the March 2000
issue of JAWMA 50:  378 - 390). 
                                              This document serves as a benchmark that
                                              demonstrates the performance of this

                                              algorithm as implemented in ISC3.
                                              (If difficulty is encountered in printing pages  containing
                                              equations the use of a PostScript driver is suggested.)




AERMOD Modeling System




A committee, the AERMIC(American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model Improvement Committee), was formed to introduce state-of-the-art modeling concepts into the EPA's air quality models.  The AERMIC's focus is on a new platform for regulatory steady-state plume modeling. This platform  includes: 1) air turbulence structure, scaling and concepts;  2) treatment of both surface and elevated sources;  and,  3) simple and complex terrain, and 4) AERMOD with the PRIME downwash algorithm. The modeling system has 3 components: AERMOD - the air dispersion model; AERMET - the meteorological data preprocessor; and AERMAP - the terrain data preprocessor.




NAME             DATE               DESCRIPTION
  DESCRIP                  1/11/99          A brief description of the AERMOD modeling
                                                              system. (2KB,TXT)
  DEGRADE              12/14/98           Minimum meteorological data 
                                                        recommendations, and  analysis. 
    FIGDEG               12/14/98                  Figures for DEGRADE (main document and
                                                              Appendix A).( BMP format)  (490KB,ZIP)
  MFDOC                  12/15/98          Model Formulation Document.
     This document has been replaced by a later version found below under the area entitled AERMOD Beta Test - version 02222 with PRIME.

  EVALREP               12/17/98          Model Evaluation Report. 
  FIGEVAL                12/17/98          Figures for the Model Evaluation Report in BMP
                                                              format.  Wordperfect (14.8MB,ZIP)
  DOCKRPT                 2/02             Compendium of Reports from the Peer Review
                                                               Process for AERMOD. 
  CONSEQ                  4/99              Consequence analysis.

Original Proposed Version

User's Guides  (Original Proposed Version)

NAME              DATE            DESCRIPTION
  AERMODUG          11/10/98              AERMOD user's guide. (596K)
  AERMETUG           11/30/98              AERMET user's guide.  (876K)
  AERMAPUG           11/10/98              AERMAP user's guide.  (348K)

Code and Utilities  (Original Proposed Version)

NAME             DATE            DESCRIPTION
  AERMOD               4/24/00             AERMOD executable.  (311K,ZIP)
  AERMODEX           4/24/00             AERMOD test case.  (23K,ZIP)
  AERMODSR           4/24/00             AERMOD source code.   (207K,ZIP)
  AERMET                2/14/00             AERMET executables.   (469K,ZIP)
  AERMETEX          12/06/99             AERMET  test case.   (46K,ZIP)
  AERMETSR           2/14/00             AERMET source code.  (201K,ZIP)
  AERMAP              12/06/99             AERMAP executable.  (194K,ZIP)
  MAPTEST            12/06/99             AERMAP  test case.   (1.6MB,ZIP)
  AERMAPSR         12/06/99             AERMAP source code.   (58K,ZIP)

Beta Test - version 02222 with PRIME

To access this version with Deposition go to
Topics for Review and Comment

AERMOD Beta Test  -  version 02222 with PRIME

NAME            DATE            DESCRIPTION
  AERMODB          08/15/02             AERMOD executable.  (555K,ZIP)
  AERMODUGB     08/15/02             AERMOD user's guide. 
  AERMODSRB     08/15/02             AERMOD source code.   (315K,ZIP)
  AERMODEXB     08/15/02             AERMOD test case.   (20K,ZIP) 
  AERMOD_MFD   10/31/02             AERMOD Model Formulation Document.
  AERMOD_MEP   06/05/03             AERMOD Model Evaluation Paper

AERMET Beta Test  -  version 02222 (for PRIME)

NAME            DATE            DESCRIPTION
  README            08/15/02             AERMET readme - read first.
  AERMETB          08/15/02             AERMET Stage 1, 2 & 3 executables.   (461K,ZIP)
                                                       (Includes a .BAT file for sample execution)

  AERMETUGB     08/15/02             AERMET User's Guide.   (606K,ZIP)
                                                           w/Addendum changes
  AERMETSRB      08/15/02            AERMET Source code.  (314K,ZIP)
     AERMETSTID  12/19/03              Source file identification for Stage 1,2 & 3. (txt)
  AERMETEXB      08/15/02             AERMET Test Case.   (3842K,ZIP)


AERMAP Beta Test - version 03107

AERMAP Beta Test  -  version 03107

NAME            DATE            DESCRIPTION
  README              03/17/03            AERMAP readme - read first.
  AERMAPB2          03/17/03            AERMAP executable.  (311K,ZIP)
  AERMAPUGB2      03/17/03           AERMAP User's Guide.
  AERMAPSRB2      03/17/03           AERMAP Source code.  (79K,ZIP)
  AERMAPTCB2      03/17/03           AERMAP test case w/support files.  (2.3MB,ZIP)  
  DEMFILZ              03/17/03           SDTS to DEM file format conversion
                                                        program. (209K,ZIP)           


   Evaluation Databases

Evaluation Databases for AERMOD version 02222

NAME            DATE            DESCRIPTION
  README              01/22/04            Evaluation Databases - read first.

       The following ZIPed files contain the input and output data for the evaluation
       studies listed.  When unzipping these files be sure to check the "Use folder names" 
       checkbox in  Winzip.  The folder names will identify the type of data related to
       that study.

      Study Name                                 Conditions

           AGA                           Flat, Rural, Downwash, Independent (2.1 mb)
           Alaska                        Flat, Rural Downwash, Developmental (.7 mb)
           Baldwin                      Flat. Rural, Non-downwash, Independent (4.6 mb)
           Bowline                      Flat, Rural, Downwash, Developmental/Independent (1.8 mb)
           Clifty Creek                Flat, Rural , Non-downwash, Independent (3.5 mb)
           DAEC                         Flat, Rural, Downwash, Developmental (1.1 mb)
           EOCR                         Flat, Rural, Downwash, Independent (4.3 mb)
           Indianapolis                Flat, Urban, Non-downwash, Developmental (1.3 mb)
           Kincaid SF6                Flat, Rural, Non-downwash, Developmental (3.1 mb)
           Kincaid SO2               Flat, Rural, Non-downwash, Developmental (5.6 mb)
           Lee Wind Tunnel        Flat, Rural, Downwash, Independent (13.4 mb)
           Lovett                         Terrain, Rural, Non-downwash, Developmental (9.0 mb)
           Martin's Creek            Terrain, Rural, Non-downwash, Independent (11.5 mb)
           Millstone                    Flat, Rural, Downwash, Developmental (.6 mb)
           Prairie Grass               Flat, Rural, Non-downwash, Developmental (.4 mb)
           Tracy                          Terrain, Rural, Non-downwash, Independent (2.4 mb)
           Westvaco                    Terrain, Rural, Non-downwash, Independent (10.1 mb)





Notice of Data Availability on AERMOD


Additional information is being provided in the form of two documents relevant to the revisions of the Guideline on Air Quality Models.  The revisions would enhance the Guideline by incorporating a new, general purpose dispersion model called AMS/EPA Regulatory MODel (AERMOD) to replace the existing Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) model in many air quality assessments and incorporate a new downwash algorithm - PRIME. The two documents offered below, including the Federal Register Notice, provide information on the performance of AERMOD when the model is modified in a manner suggested by public comment. 

NAME             DATE               DESCRIPTION
  FEDREGNOT          9/8/03          Federal Register Notice: Availability of Additional
                                                   Documents Relevant to Anticipated Revisions
                                                   to Guideline on Air Quality Models.

  EVAL                     9/8/03          AERMOD: Latest Features and Evaluation Results. 
  COMPAR               9/8/03          Comparison of Regulatory Design Concentrations:
                                                    AERMOD vs. ISCST3, CTDMPLUS, ISC-PRIME.



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