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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Technology Transfer Network
Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors
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Emissions Modeling Clearinghouse (EMCH)

The Emissions Modeling Clearinghouse (EMCH) has been designed to support and promote emission modeling activities both internal and external to EPA. Through this site the EPA intends to distribute emissions model input formatted inventories based on the latest versions of its National Emission Inventory databases. In addition to the emissions data, this site will be used to document and distribute the Agency's latest versions of the ancillary files used to support the temporal, spatial, speciation, and projection of these emissions. Although numerous links to other sources of emissions, modeling factors, and emissions models are available through this site, the EPA does not actively support the use of any one inventory, set of factors, or emissions models for input development to air quality modeling.

Modeling Inventory Development

Additional Modeling Resources

Training Course - Preparation of Emission Inventories for Modeling


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