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Factor Information REtrieval (FIRE)

October 18, 2004: Version 6.25 is now available!

What Is FIRE?

The Factor Information REtrieval (FIRE) Data System is a database containing EPA's emission estimation factors for criteria and hazardous air pollutants in an easy to use Windows program. Users can browse through records in the database or select specific emission factors by source category, source classification code (SCC), pollutant name, CAS number, or control device. FIRE 6.25 contains emission factors from the Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42 Fifth Edition) for all AP42 sections posted by September 1, 2004, the Locating and Estimating (L&E;) series of documents, and the retired AFSEF and XATEF documents. All EPA Source Classification Codes (SCC) through September 1, 2004 are in the FIRE database. Version 6.25 superscedes all previous versions of the FIRE program.

Please read the document, Additions, Revisions, and Revoked Data, for a detailed explanation of changes to the FIRE data.

System Requirements

FIRE 6.25 will run under Windows 98 and above. To install the FIRE software and data, first download the 5 MB fire625.exe program file. Then run the installation program, which will ask you where to extract the FIRE system. The software and data will need 37 MB of free space.

FIRE 6.25 Update Information and Instructions
What's new in version 6.25 (TXT 1K)
Development of Primary, Filterable, and Condensible PM10 and PM2.5 Emission Factors for FIRE (PDF 175K)
Additions, Revisions, and Revoked Data (PDF 27K)
Basic Usage Instructions (TXT 10K)

FIRE 6.25 - Program Installation fire625.exe (EXE 4.6M)

The installed files will need 37 MB of free disk space. See the README.TXT file and the FIRE help for details on program usage. This program supersedes version 6.24. You should uninstall all previous versions of FIRE.

Download the fire625.exe file to a temporary folder on your computer. Locate the fire625.exe file in your temporary folder, and start the installation by double clicking the fire625.exe file. The fire625.exe file is a self-extracting installation program which will install and configure the FIRE Software and data on your computer. Reboot your system and run the FIRE program.

FIRE 6.25 - Microsoft Access Tables
MS Access 2000 (and above) database (ZIP 2.5M)
Save the file to your hard drive. Unzip the file using Winzip. You must have Microsoft Access to view the FIRE data.

Explanation of File Formats


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