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School Bus Calculator (TOOL)
July 2004

Development of the School Bus Emission Calculation Tool was supported by a grant from the Emission Inventory Improvement
to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. Exit EPA Disclaimer The program was developed in MS Excel.

The School Bus Emission Calculation Tool (TOOL) is designed for use by school district fleet managers and state and local air pollution authorities to calculate the air pollution reductions that can be achieved by retrofitting fleets of school buses. The TOOL calculates the annual emissions exhausted by buses for an existing bus fleet and for a theoretical future bus fleet, by taking into account retrofitting with control devices and/or using a cleaner burning diesel fuel. This tool will help organizations predict the reduction in pollution based on retrofitting buses and/or using cleaner fuels and will allow state and local agencies to update their emission inventories to reflect area school bus retrofit projects.

Support for the TOOL is provided by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. For questions or comments, please contact Amy Fowler. Her phone number is (206)689-4017 or (800)552-3565 (toll-free in Washington). Her email address is

TOOL Files
Manual (PDF 1.2M)
Program File (XLS 3.5M)
Explanation of File Formats

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