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U.S. Food and Drug Administration
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Office of Management
Office of Financial Management

Financial Enterprise Solutions

FES Project Management

The Financial Enterprise Solutions team is supported by the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and is comprised of resources dedicated to a sound and effective financial environment throughout FDA.  To support this effort OFM works with resources across the Agency to implement various systems.

Project Leadership

Jeff Weber, Senior Associate Commissioner for Management and Systems is the project's Executive Sponsor.  Mr. Weber works with DHHS officials and members of FDA's business community to plan for the Agency's new financial system and minimize impacts to business processes and existing systems.   He also conveys business needs and benefits of new systems to DHHS, OPDIV and FDA executive officers.

Helen Horn, Director of the Office of Financial Management is the project's Co-Sponsor.  Ms. Horn works with the UFMS Planning and Development Committee to inform DHHS of FDA's implementation approach and schedule for the new financial system.  Ms. Horn influences decision-making to help ensure that FDA's business needs are addressed by each new system.

Project Managers

Because of its size and significance to FDA's business and financial environment, FES is managed by several key personnel: Mike Fullem, Financial Advisor; and Dave Petak and Glenda Conroy, Co-Leads, Division of Financial Enterprise Solutions. Together these resources maintain overall responsibility for the deployment of FES. They also manage FES activities and oversee the FES Program Management Office (PMO).

Program Management Office

In an effort to develop, implement and maintain financial systems, OFM created the FES Program Management Office to:

  • Coordinate all activities, including completion of Travel Manager rollout, implementation of PRISM, development of the new financial system and completion of supporting projects (i.e., data clean-up, reporting architecture, etc.).
  • Work closely with, and dedicate resources to, the UFMS team to develop standards and common financial processes across DHHS.
  • Work with DHHS to ensure that FDA's unique requirements are met.
  • Manage business and financial system implementations to help ensure that the overall project remains on schedule and within budget, and that risks are mitigated.
  • Develop information and training for system users to support transition to FDA's improved financial environment.

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