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Provider Directory

Your choice of a doctor, or hospital, or lab is often determined by which TRICARE plan you have chosen. Here, "doctor" means any health care "provider," such as a doctor or team of doctors, a physician's assistant or nurse-practitioner, a lab, ambulance company, or supplier of medical equipment.

Health care “provider” could mean one of several things, such as a doctor or team of doctors, a physician’s assistant or nurse-practitioner, a lab, ambulance company, or supplier of medical equipment.

You can locate a provider in your area by clicking on the map, below. You will then go to the Provider Directory page of your regional contractor, where you will be asked to enter your zip code and any other information that could help to narrow or to tailor your search. These doctors (or physician’s assistants, or labs, etc.) are part of the regional contractor’s network—they are in-network providers.

Your choice of a doctor, or hospital, or lab is often determined by which TRICARE plan you have chosen. If you would prefer to learn more about your plan options before searching the Provider Directory, click on a topic at left.

Region Map
North  1-877-874-2273 South 1-800-444-5445 West  1-888-TRIWEST Canada/Latin America  1-888-777-8343 Canada/Latin America  1-888-777-8343 Europe  1-888-777-8343 Europe  1-888-777-8343 Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands  1-888-777-8343 Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands 1-888-777-8343 Pacific 1-888-777-8343