NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: 3030 E Media: WATER
Revision: Standard Methods Online
Method Source: Standard Methods
Subcategory: INORGANIC Analytes in this method
Official Name: Nitric Acid Digestion of Metal Samples
Descriptive Name Nitric Acid Digestion of Metals
Source Info: Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Citation: Standard Methods Online
Brief Method
Nitric acid digests most samples. Some samples require the addition of perchloric, hydrochloric, or sulfuric acid to complete digestion. When using more than 100 mL of sample during digestion, determine recovery for each matrix to verify method validity. Add 5 mL concentrated HNO3 and a few boiling chips to a 50-100 mL aliquot of well-mixed sample in a 125 mL beaker. Bring sample to a slow boil and evaporate to about 10-20 mL, before precipitation occurs. Heat and add HNO3 as needed until digestion is complete as seen by a light-colored, clear solution. Wash sides of sample container with water and filter if needed (see abstract in Method 3030-B). Pour filtrate and washings in volumetric flask. Cool, dilute to 100 mL mark, and mix. Remove aliquots or concentrate sample (see abstract in Method 3030-D) for analysis. Samples totally digested by acid digestion yield comparable precision and bias, however, the minimal amount of acid should be used in the digestion as acid adds metals to the sample.
Scope And
This method is applicable to the nitric acid digestion of samples containing metals.
Conc Range:
Interferences: Metals introduced during preliminary treatment from equipment common to environmental labs.
QC Requirements: Check reagent grade acids for purity. Process blanks through all digestion and filtration steps.
Sample Handling: Collect sample in plastic or glass container which has been rinsed with 1+1 HNO3. Adjust the pH of the sample to < 2 with HNO3. For dissolved metals, filter samples immediately. Analyze within 6 months.
Max Holding Time:
6 months
Relative Cost: Less than $50
URL to obtain ordering information for this method:
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