NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: 973.52B Media: WATER
Revision: 15th Edition (1990)
Method Source: AOAC International
Subcategory: INORGANIC Analytes in this method
Official Name: Hardness of Water by EDTA Titrimetric Method
Descriptive Name Hardness of Water
Source Info: AOAC International
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Citation: AOAC Methods Volume 1, 16th Ed. (1998)
Brief Method
Ca and Mg at pH 10 in presence of dye eriochrome black T are wine red. When completely complexed with EDTA, solution becomes blue. Mg must be present for satisfactory end point and is added as MgEDTA. End point sharpness increases with pH, but high pH may cause precipitation of Ca(OH)2 or Mg(OH)2 and cause color changes of dye. pH of 10.0 +/- 0.1 is satisfactory compromise. Limit of 5 min for titration minimizes precipitation. Heavy metal interference is minimized by complexing with cyanide.
Scope And
Applicable to drinking water, surface water, and domestic and industrial wastewaters.
Conc Range:
None given.
Interferences: Not specified in method.
QC Requirements: Not Included
Sample Handling: No information given.
Max Holding Time:
Relative Cost: Less than $50
URL to obtain ordering information for this method:
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