NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: I-3561 Media: WATER
Revision: 1985
Method Source: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Subcategory: ORGANIC Analytes in this method
Official Name: Total Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water-Suspended Sediment by Dichromate Oxidation and Colorimetry
Descriptive Name Chemical-oxygen-demand, water-suspended-sediments, colorimetry
Source Info: USGS Branch of Information Services
Box 25286, MS 417
Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0286
Phone: 303-202-4700
Citation: USGS Methods, Volume A1
111428 Byte file
Brief Method
Organic and other oxidizable materials are oxidized by digestion with an acid-dichromate solution in the presence of silver sulfate catalyst. The COD concentration is determined spectrometrically by measuring the absorbance of the Cr+3 that is formed.
Scope And
This method may be used to analyze water-suspended sediment containing between 10 and 500 mg/L chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Conc Range:
10 - 500mg/L
Interferences: (1) Chloride ion, and other halides that precipitate silver. (2) Incomplete oxidation of nitrogen-containing organic matter. (3) Nitrite ion. (4) Reduced inorganic species (e.g., ferrous iron, sulfide, manganous manganese).
QC Requirements: Calibrate instrument using calibration standards (CAL). Quality control samples (QCS) and laboratory blanks (LB) analyzed at a minimum of I each after every 10 samples. (Reference OFR 95-443)
Sample Handling: Container Description: 125 mL Glass bottle
Treatment and Preservation: Bottle baked at 450 deg C by laboratory. Prepare each sample to pH<2 with H2SO4; chill and maintain at 4 deg C. DO NOT RINSE BOTTLE.
Max Holding Time:
Relative Cost: Less than $50
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