NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: 350.2 (Nesslerization) Media: WATER
Revision: Editorial Revision 1974
Method Source: U.S. EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) [formerly EMSL]
Analytes in this method
Subcategory: INORGANIC
Official Name: Nitrogen, Ammonia (Colorimetric; Titrimetric; Potentiometric - Distillation Procedure)
Descriptive Name Ammonia by Colorimetry (Nesslerization)
Source Info: U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Citation: Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020)
44855 Byte file
Brief Method
A sample is buffered at alkaline pH with borate buffer to decrease hydrolysis of cyanates and organic nitrogen compounds, and is distilled into a solution of boric acid. The ammonia distillate is determined colorimetrically by Nesslerization, or by other options given in the method.
Scope And
This method determines ammonia, exclusive of Kjeldahl nitrogen, in drinking, surface, and saline waters; domestic and industrial wastes.
Conc Range:
0.05 - 1.0 mg/L ammonia as nitrogen (colorimetric)
Interferences: (A) Compounds 1: Many aromatics, aliphatic amines, and other compounds can cause turbidity upon reaction with Nessler reagent. Distillation is used prior to analysis to reduce/eliminate interferences.
(B) Compounds 2: Volatile alkaline compounds (some ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols) can effect Nesslerization. Some compounds (e.g., formaldehyde) can be removed prior to to distillation by boiling off at low pH.
(C) Cyanate: Cyanate can hydrolyze during distillation.
(B) Residual Chlorine: Remove residual chlorine using sodium thiosulfate.
QC Requirements: None.
Sample Handling: Cool to 4oC, add H2SO4 until sample pH < 2.
Max Holding Time:
28 days (MCAWW, Table 1).
Relative Cost: Less than $50
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