NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: I-3454 Media: WATER
Revision: 1985
Method Source: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Subcategory: INORGANIC Analytes in this method
Official Name: Manganese, atomic absorption spectrometric, direct
Descriptive Name Manganese, total recoverable, FLAA
Source Info: USGS Branch of Information Services
Box 25286, MS 417
Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0286
Phone: 303-202-4700
Citation: USGS Methods, Volume A1
156586 Byte file
Brief Method
Manganese is determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry by direct aspiration of the sample into an air-acetylene flame without preconcentration or pretreatment. The procedure may be automated by the addition of a sampler and either a strip-chart recorder or a printer or both.
Scope And
This method may be used to analyze water-suspended sediment containing at least 10 ug/L of manganese. Sample solutions containing more than 1,000 ug/L need either to be diluted or to be read on a less expanded scale. Total recoverable manganese in water-suspended sediment needs to undergo preliminary digestion-solubilization by method I-3485.
Conc Range:
10 ug/L to 1,000 ug/L
Interferences: Magnesium (100 mg/L) and silica (100 mg/L) do not interfere. Magnesium in excess of 100 mg/L may present some interference, especially when the manganese concentration exceeds 500 ug/L. Silica interferes above 100 mg/L. Iron concentration to 4 X 106 ug/L does not interfere. Brines need to be analyzed by the atomic absorption spectrometric, chelation extraction method, providing that the interferences discussed in that method are not exceeded.
QC Requirements: Calibrate instrument using calibration standards (CAL). Quality control samples (QCS) and laboratory blanks (LB) analyzed at a minimum of I each after every 10 samples
Sample Handling: Container Description: 250 mL Polyethylene bottle, acid-rinsed. Treatment and Preservation: Use unfiltered sample to rinse bottles, then acidify collected sample with HNO3 to pH < 2.
Max Holding Time:
180 days
Sample Prep Met I-3485
Relative Cost: Less than $50
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