NEMI Method Summary

Method Summary Information

Method Number: 2510B Media: WATER
Revision: Standard Methods Online
Method Source: Standard Methods
Subcategory: INORGANIC Analytes in this method
Official Name: Conductivity - Laboratory Method
Descriptive Name Conductivity - Laboratory Method
Source Info: Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Citation: Standard Methods Online
Brief Method
In the laboratory, conductance (or resistance) of a standard KCl solution is measured and from the corresponding conductivity, a cell constant is calculated. Once the cell constant has been determined, or set, the conductivity of an unknown solution will be displayed by the meter.
Scope And
This method covers the determination of conductivity in surface waters, drinking water, and wastewater.
Conc Range:
None given.
Interferences: None Provided.
QC Requirements: Calibration of instrument
Sample Handling: Collect at least 500 mL sample in a polyethylene or glass bottle. Refrigerate.
Max Holding Time:
28 days
Sample Prep Met None required
Relative Cost: Less than $50
URL to obtain ordering information for this method:
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