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Preliminary Report
Hurricane Cindy
19-31 August, 1999

John L. Guiney
National Hurricane Center
09 December 1999

Tropical Storm Arlene
Tropical Depression Two
Hurricane Bret
Hurricane Cindy
Hurricane Dennis
Tropical Storm Emily
Tropical Depression Seven
Hurricane Floyd
Hurricane Gert
Tropical Storm Harvey
Tropical Depression Eleven
Tropical Depression Twelve
Hurricane Irene
Hurricane Jose
Tropical Storm Katrina
Hurricane Lenny

[1999 Atlantic Hurricane Season]

Cindy had a long track across the Atlantic with no direct impact on land.

a. Synoptic History

The origin of Cindy can be traced back to a tropical wave that crossed the west coast of Africa early on the 18th, accompanied by 4.5 mb 24-hour surface pressure falls and a 50-knot 700 mb jet as seen in Dakar, Senegal rawinsonde data and Shortly after entering the eastern tropical Atlantic, deep convection began to gradually become better organized. By the evening of the 18th, satellite imagery and ship reports indicated that shower and thunderstorm activity became more consolidated near the center of a broad circulation. It is estimated that a tropical depression formed from this system around 0000 UTC on 19 August, centered about 250 n mi east-southeast of the Cape Verde Islands, as shown in the post-storm "best track" (Table 1, Figure 1).

Persistent 20 to 30 knot easterly vertical shear, as shown in analyses from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, prevented the system from becoming significantly better organization during the next 36 hours. By the afternoon of the 20th, the shear relaxed and the center of the depression became more co-located with the deep convection. The system is estimated to have become Tropical Storm Cindy by 1800 UTC 20 August, in agreement with Dvorak satellite classifications from the Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB), the Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), and the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency. Cindy continued to become better organized on the 21st as banding features developed and a CDO formed over the center. Cindy reached hurricane strength at 0000 UTC 22 August, about 390 n mi west of the Cape Verde Islands. Further intensification was arrested as easterly shear became more pronounced. Cindy weakened to a tropical storm at 1800 UTC 22 August.

By the afternoon of the 25th, the easterly shear slackened and Cindy re-strengthened to hurricane intensity at 0000 UTC 26 August, while located about 1100 n mi southeast of Bermuda. Cindy continued to intensify during the next several days as banding features became more prominent and the upper tropospheric outflow improved. A ragged eye first appeared in visible satellite imagery on the morning of the 27th, and by that afternoon a 25 n mi diameter banding-type eye became evident. The hurricane continued to strengthen and reached an estimated peak intensity of 120 knots at 1200 UTC 28 August, while centered about 375 miles east-southeast of Bermuda.

On 29 and 30 August, Cindy began to weaken in response to increasing westerly, then southwesterly shear. The overall cloud pattern gradually degenerated and the eye became indiscernible, the cloud tops warmed, and the deep convection became displaced north, and eventually mainly east, of the center.

For its first five days Cindy had a motion toward the west-northwest at 6 to 12 knots. The motion was northwestward at 12 to 18 knots from late on the 24th through the 26th under the influence of the subtropical anticyclone over the north Atlantic. On the 27th, a mid-to upper-level low located southwest of Cindy helped steer the hurricane more to the west. By late on the 27th, the tropical cyclone began to decelerate when an upper-level trough along 55W-60W began to pull Cindy on a more northwesterly, then northerly heading. Cindy reached its westernmost longitude, about 58.5W, on the afternoon of the 28th. On 29 August, the system turned northeast and it began to accelerate late on the 30th. Cindy's closest approach to Bermuda, about 325 n mi, occurred at 0600 UTC 29 August.

Cindy was downgraded to a tropical storm at 0600 UTC 31 August as the system continued to accelerate northeastward into progressively cooler waters. By that afternoon, Cindy became indistinct when it merged with a large extratropical cyclone over the north Atlantic about 850 n mi west of the Azores.

b. Meteorological Statistics

Figure 2 depicts the curves of minimum central sea-level pressure and maximum one-minute average "surface" (10 meters above ground level) wind speed, respectively, as a function of time. Also plotted are the observations on which the curves are based, consisting of Dvorak-technique estimates from TAFB, SAB, and the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) using satellite imagery.

Satellite-based intensity estimates on 28 August are the main basis for the peak intensity estimate of 120 knots in the best track; the objective-based Dvorak intensity estimate is the basis for the minimum central pressure of 942 mb at 1200 UTC 28 August. Ship reports of tropical storm force or greater wind speeds associated with Cindy are listed in Table 2.

Figure 3 is a series of SSM/I (A) and TRMM microwave images produced by the Naval Research Laboratory that depict Cindy 24 hours prior to peak intensity (A), near peak intensity (B), and 24 hours (C) and 48 hours (D) after the peak. The eye diameter in (B) is about 30 n mi. The small circulation in the bottom center of (B) is Tropical Depression Emily.

Figure 4 is a sequence of surface wind estimates from NASA's Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) for Cindy. This figure shows the surface wind field of Cindy about 24 hours prior to peak intensity (A), near peak intensity (B), after recurvature (C), and after absorption by an extratropical cyclone over the north Atlantic (D). Although these data are still experimental and subject to calibration, they shows both the size and evolution of the wind field from near peak intensity to recurvature and the resulting circulation asymmetry.

c. Casualty and Damage Statistics

No reports of casualties or damage due to Cindy have been received at the National Hurricane Center.

d. Forecast and Warning Critique

The official forecast errors for Cindy were generally low relative to the most recent ten-year averages. The average 12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, and 72-hr official forecast errors and associated number of cases (in parenthesis) were 42 (42), 81 (40), 118 (38), 154 (36), and 226 (32) n mi, respectively. While the official forecast errors were below the most recent ten-year averages, many of the objective techniques were even better (Table 3). In particular, LBAR, BAMD, NGPI, and the UKMI all had substantially lower track errors than the official forecast (with the exception of the 12 h UKMI). These models did especially well with the recurvature portion of the hurricane.

An inspection of several NHC forecasts showed that the 72 h forecasts issued between 0000 and 1800 UTC 27 August and valid from 30/00 UTC to 30/18 UTC indicated an acceleration from 12 to 19 knots. During this period, Cindy moved on a general northeast heading at 8 to 10 knots and did not begin to accelerate until 0000 UTC 31 August.

The average absolute official intensity forecasts errors ranged from 5 to 10 knots between 12 and 36 hours and 12 to 16 knots from 48 to 72 hours. These errors are 20% to 30% below the most recent ten-year averages. The Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) did equally well. The official forecasts, however, under-estimated the peak intensity by 25 to 35 knots in the 24- to 72-h time periods.

No watches or warnings were necessary for Cindy.

Figure 1. Best track positions for Hurricane Cindy, 19-31 August 1999.

Figure 2a. Best track minimum central pressure curve for Hurricane Cindy, 19-31 August 1999.

Figure 2a. Best track maximum sustained 1-minute 10 meter wind speed curve for Hurricane Cindy, 19-31 August 1999.

Figure 3. Sequence of SSM/I (A) and TRMM microwave images of Hurricane Cindy (A) 24 hours prior to peak intensity, (B) near peak intensity, (C) 24 hours after peak intensity, and (D) 48 hours after peak intensity. (The small circulation in the bottom center of (B) is Tropical Depression Emily).

Figure 4. Surface wind estimates from NASA's Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) of Hurricane Cindy (A) about 24 hours prior to peak intensity, (B) near peak intensity, (C) after recurvature, and (D) after absorption by an extratropical cyclone over the north Atlantic. (The date for each QuikSCAT image is on the top of each image while the time of the pass is denoted on the bottom).

Table 1. Preliminary Best Track - Hurricane Cindy, 19-31 August, 1999.
Position Pressure
Wind Speed
Lat. (°N)Lon. (°W)
19/000013.5 18.91003 30 Tropical Depression
19/060013.8 20.31003 30"
19/120013.9 21.51003 30"
19/180013.8 22.51003 30"
20/000013.7 23.41002 30"
20/060013.6 24.31002 30"
20/120013.5 25.41002 30"
20/180013.6 26.61001 35Tropical Storm
21/000013.6 27.71000 40"
21/060013.8 28.8 997 50"
21/120013.9 29.7 994 55"
21/180014.1 30.8 990 60"
22/000014.2 31.7 987 65Hurricane
22/060014.4 32.3 987 65"
22/120014.5 32.7 987 65"
22/180014.6 33.1 990 60Tropical Storm
23/000014.9 33.9 997 50"
23/060015.3 34.9 997 50"
23/120015.7 35.9 997 50"
23/180016.1 36.9 997 50"
24/000016.6 38.0 997 50"
24/060016.9 39.2 997 50"
24/120017.2 40.6 997 50"
24/180017.5 42.2 997 50"
25/000017.8 43.6 994 55"
25/060018.4 44.8 994 55"
25/120019.3 45.9 994 55"
25/180020.4 47.1 990 60"
26/000021.7 48.2 987 65Hurricane
26/060022.9 49.5 987 65"
26/120024.2 50.8 987 65"
26/180025.4 52.0 984 70"
27/000026.4 53.1 978 80"
27/060027.2 54.3 978 80"
27/120027.8 55.4 970 90"
27/180028.3 56.2 970 90"
28/000028.7 56.9 961100"
28/060029.3 57.5 948115"
28/120030.1 58.0 942120"
28/180030.8 58.5 943120"
29/000031.5 58.4 944120"
29/060032.3 58.4 948115"
29/120033.1 58.2 961100"
29/180033.8 57.4 965 95"
30/000034.3 56.3 970 90"
30/060034.7 55.5 970 90"
30/120035.3 54.9 978 80"
30/180036.1 54.2 978 80"
31/000037.0 52.6 984 70"
31/060038.2 50.6 990 60Tropical Storm
31/120040.4 48.2 997 50"
31/1800 Absorbed By Extratropical Low
28/120030.1 58.0 942120minimum pressure

Table 2. Hurricane Cindy ship observations of 34-Knot or greater winds, 19 August - 31 August 1999.
Location Pressure
(kts) a
Wave Ht. (ft)
ZCBB9 (26.5N 47.0W)1015.226/06003713
ELUU6 (26.5N 51.8W)1015.126/12003616
ELUU6 (26.8N 51.7W)1012.426/15003816
ELUU6 (26.9N 51.4W)1009.726/18006023
ELUU6 (27.1N 51.1W)1017.727/00006230
ELUU6 (27.4N 49.8W)1016.727/09004016

Table 3. Preliminary track forecast evaluation of Hurricane Cindy - heterogeneous sample. Errors in nautical miles for tropical storm and hurricane stages with number of forecasts in parenthesis. Boldface numbers represent forecasts which were better than the official forecast.
Forecast Technique Period (hours)
CLIP52 (42)96 (40)145 (38)194 (36)260 (32)
GFDI44 (34)82 (32)114 (32)151 (32)225 (30)
GFDL*37 (17)75 (17)113 (16)145 (16)223 (16)
LBAR38 (42)64 (40)102 (38)140 (36)196 (32)
AVNI52 (39)92 (37)133 (34)177 (30)288 (22)
AVNO*47 (39)91 (36)127 (34)166 (30)249 (22)
BAMD38 (42)69 (40)97 (38)119 (36)204 (32)
BAMM39 (44)72 (44)109 (44)147 (43)243 (39)
BAMS45 (42)83 (40)125 (38)179 (36)303 (32)
NGPI41 (41)76 (39)87 (35)105 (33)153 (27)
NGPS*45 (21)61 (20)77 (18)96 (17)128 (14)
UKMI49 (40)70 (38)94 (36)103 (34)177 (30)
UKM*41 (21)73 (20)87 (19)106 (18)139 (16)
A90E46 (42)77 (40)110 (38)149 (36)224 (32)
A98E45 (41)75 (39)107 (38)153 (36)224 (32)
A9UK41 (19)72 (18)95 (17)110 (16)182 (15)
NHC Official42 (42)81 (40)118 (38)154 (36)226 (32)
NHC Official 10-Year Average (1989-1998)48 (2005)89 (1790)128 (1595)164 (1410)242 (1107)

*Output from these models was unavailable at time of forecast issuance.

Todd Spindler

Last updated February 2, 2000