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Pore in Hornwort Tissue


A pore in the tissue of the hornwort Phaeoceros laevis. This hornwort is one of many species of plants that scientists are studying as part of the National Science Foundation-supported "Tree of Life" initiative, the aim of which is to reconstruct the evolutionary history of early land plants. The initiative hopes to answer such questions as how did multicellular aquatic plants evolve? Which plants first colonized land? How are the early plant lineages related to each other? And what genetic, cellular, and structural changes did they undergo? [This research was supported by an Assembling Tree of Life grant and three Systematic Biology grants; two are active at this time—DEB 02-28679 and DEB 02-35985.]

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More about this Image The National Science Foundation has awarded some $17 million to seven research teams as to begin a massive project in biodiversity—assembling a complete "Tree of Life," a map of the evolutionary history of all Earth's species, past and present.

Dr. Karen S. Renzaglia of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC) received a National Science Foundation grant to investigate green plant evolution. Working in collaboration with other scientists at SIUC and with several principal investigators from other institutions, Renzaglia is reconstructing in detail the family tree of the plant kingdom. The "genealogical" study is focusing on plant groups with an ancient heritage such as algae, mosses, and ferns, where evolutionary relationships are unclear and where the most dramatic biological changes had to occur.

Renzaglia studies cell-level changes in early land plants. The earliest plants to make the transition to land are still the smallest—mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Called bryophytes, these plants are found on every continent but Antarctica. They hug the ground, absorbing water and nutrients directly through their cells and skinny threads called rhizoids (an early form of a root) anchor them to the soil. It wasn't until plants evolved true root systems and veins to carry water and nutrients—like the giant tree ferns and rush-like horsetails and club mosses, called pteridophytes (Greek for "fern plants")—that they were able to grow larger. Not much more is known for certain about early plant evolution.

In a separate project--also supported by the NSF, Renzaglia and biologist Joel Duff of the University of Akron are piecing together the family tree of the world's 150 or so kinds of hornworts. Renzaglia says there is so little information about hornworts at this time that it's hard to know what defines a species or genus. She believes that hornworts were the earliest land plant that still exists today. Renzaglia and other teams of researchers will conduct in-depth analysis on about 50 species of plants that they believe represent major lineages among green algae, bryophytes, and pteridophytes.

To understand all the developmental stages of these plants, Renzaglia and her students are examining spores and spore capsules, egg and sperm cells, embryos, and mature plants; documenting dozens of characteristics; photographing specimens; comparing and compiling details previously reported about the species in the scientific literature; and archiving everything they find. The research is long and drawn out. For example, data collected on spores includes their shape and color, their "ornamentation" (whorls and ridges), their internal structure and development, and what types of molecules, such as proteins and sugars, are stored inside. The team will develop new methods of organizing, combining, and analyzing diverse data sets to draw conclusions about evolutionary history.

Obtaining the details of plant evolution will involve a combination of fossil, genetic, and morphological evidence, but Renzaglia thinks it has the potential to uncover all kinds of new information and "open up a world nobody's known about."

Pore in Hornwort Tissue
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Credit: Photo by Karen Renzaglia; courtesy Dan Nickrent
Year of Image: 2002


BIOLOGICAL / Environmental
BIOLOGICAL / Systematic Biology

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