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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Actions and Reasons Messages

Question: What do the Actions and Reasons mean?

Actions represent a request's current status. These system generated messages display in the Action column of the status/cancel window. Requests that originated in DOCLINE will carry DOCLINE Actions, and those requests that originated in Loansome Doc, will carry Loansome Doc Actions. Reasons are either system generated or selected by a user.

Beyond Routing Map -   Request was retired when all routing possibilities were exhausted based upon the Routing Instructions.
Canceled -   Request was canceled by borrower.
Expired -   Request expired when patron's Need-by-Date was exceeded.
Filled -   Request was completed as filled.
New -   Request was entered by borrower, but not yet received by lender.
Not Filled -   Request was completed as not filled. The reasons Canceled, Cost, Copyright, or Incomplete halt the request from further routing.
Received -   Request was receipted by potential lender.
Rerouted Online -   Request was not filled by a potential lender, then routed to next library.
Rerouted TTA -   Request was not receipted or acted upon by potential lender, routed to next library by Time Triggered Actions.
Loansome Doc Actions
Transferred -   LD request was transferred to DOCLINE and is pending a final action.
TRN/Shipped to Library -   LD request was transferred to DOCLINE and is pending a final action.
TRN/Shipped to Patron -   LD request was transferred to DOCLINE, filled, and shipped to the patron.
TRN/Expired -   LD request was transferred into DOCLINE, then expired when Need by Date was exceeded.
TRN/Canceled -   LD request was transferred into DOCLINE, then canceled by transferring library.
TRN/Not Filled -   LD request was transferred into DOCLINE, not filled and stopped routing for one of the following reasons: Cost, Canceled, Copyright or Not Found as Cited.
TRN/Beyond Routing Map -   LD request was transferred into DOCLINE, but was retired when all routing possibilities were exhausted based upon the Routing Instructions.

There are three types of reasons for a request to either route on to another library, or discontinue routing and retire: Routing Reasons are system generated during the routing process. Removal Reasons are system generated in Time-triggered actions, and Update Reasons are chosen by a potential lender as a reason for not filling a request.

Routing Reasons:
Prefixed - The request was prefixed (sent directly) to this institution by the borrowing library.

Cells 1-9 - The request routed to the institution based upon its cell position (1-9) in the borrower's Routing Table.

Resource - The request routed to a resource library based on the borrower's checkbox for "Refer to Resource libraries" on the Routing Instructions page.

NLM - Request routed to NLM based on borrower's Routing Instructions. Requests route to NLM when "Route to NLM" is selected.

Refer On - Based upon the Routing Instructions, the request routed to the institution as part of "Refer On After NLM." The "Refer On After NLM" checkbox offers the option to have a request routinely route to an additional 20 libraries if NLM cannot fill it or if the borrower selected "Never Route to NLM," in the NLM Delivery Method.

M/A/N Map - The request routed to this lender based on the borrower's monograph, audiovisual, non-SERHOLD map (M/A/N Map) values in the Routing Instructions.

Removal Reasons:
Not acted upon - DOCLINE rerouted the request after 3 days because the lender did not take action after "receipting" the request.

Not receipted - lender did not receipt the request within one business day.

Update Reasons:
Bindery - The lender holds the item requested, but it is currently at the bindery and unavailable for loan or copying.

Canceled* - The request was canceled by the lender at the borrower's request.

Condition - The material is held, but the physical condition of the volume or issue prohibits lending or copying.

Copy limit - The number of pages requested exceeds the copy limit imposed by this institution.

Copyright* - The lender has determined that this request is in violation of copyright compliance (l=royalty payments made to copyright clearance center; g=requested under fair use copyright guidelines). This request has retired.

Cost* - The lender's minimum cost to supply the requested item is greater than the maxcost authorized by the borrower. This request has retired.

In Process - The material has been received, but is not yet ready for use.

In Use - The lender reports the volume/issue was in use and unavailable for loan or copy at the time of the request.

Incomplete* - The lender believes that the citation on the request is either incomplete or incorrect. This request has retired.

Lacking - The lender holds the title, but is missing the requested issue or volume.

Lost - The lender declares this title or volume/issue is lost or withdrawn from its collection.

Non-circ - The lender holds this item, but reports that it is not available for loan.

Not yet received - The title is owned, but lender reports volume/issue has not yet been received.

Not on shelf - The lender holds this item, but reports that it was not on the shelf at the time the request was received.

On order - The item has been ordered, but has not been received by the library.

Other - Request was rejected for a reason other than those listed. Please check with lender.

Title not owned - The requested title is not owned by the lending library.

       NOTE: Reasons followed by an asterisk (*) stop a request from further routing. The request is retired unfilled.

Related Questions:
DOCLINE Requests questions
DOCLINE questions
Getting Articles, Borrowing Books

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Last updated: 03 November 2004
First published: 09 January 2002
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed