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Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emission Factors
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Emission Factor Information

Emissions Factors Improvement Project - The Emissions Factors and Policy Applications Group of EPA's Emissions Monitoring and Analysis Division (EMAD) is responsible for updating and improving the emissions factors program. To determine where the emissions factors program, in particular EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I Stationary Point and Area Sources -AP-42, needs to be updated and improved, EFPAG interviewed and surveyed a variety of emissions factors users. This report summarizes the findings from this effort.
Summary of Emissions Factors Improvement Project Fact Finding Survey - Updated July 2004 (PDF 303K)

There is additional information about EFPAG's vision for emissions factor development from the workshop held at the 13th Annual Emission Inventory Conference, June 2004, Clearwater, FL.

AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors - AP-42 is the recommended source of air pollutant emission factors for both criteria and toxic emissions. AP-42 Volume I addresses hundreds of stationary, point, and area sources.

FIRE - The Factor Information REtrieval (FIRE) Data System is a database containing EPA's recommended emission estimation factors for criteria and hazardous air pollutants.

Emission Inventory Related Codes - Source Classification Codes (SCC), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Codes, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), US EPA Tier Categories, Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), Emission Inventory Input Format Codes, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).

Locating and Estimating Documents - This report series, titled Locating and Estimating Air Toxic Emissions from Sources of (source category or substance) characterizes the source categories for which emissions of a toxic substance have been identified. These volumes include general descriptions of the emitting processes, identifying potential release points and emission factors.

Related Resources - These resources contain information developed by the US EPA or by outside parties which have undergone limited EPA and external review and are felt to be potentially useful, but which are not contained in AP-42. They should be used with discretion.


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